Digitransit-ui is a mobile friendly User interface built to work with Digitransit platform
This is FITME!-project fork of the HSL's Digitransit UI
The source code of the platform is dual-licensed under the EUPL v1.2 and AGPLv3 licenses.
Our main issue tracking is handled in https://digitransit.atlassian.net However, we also monitor this repository's issues and import them to Jira. You can create issues in GitHub.
Digitransit-ui is tested to work on the latest and the second latest major versions of Firefox, Chromium and Safari.
- Continuous Integration: https://github.com/HSLdevcom/digitransit-ui/actions
Visual tests are run with jest and playwright.
More information about testing.
- Terms
- Architecture
- Positioning
- Locations
- Run in Docker
- Installation
- Tests
- Z-Index Index
- Benchmark results and UX
- Navigation
- Themes
Here we will add documentation about our custom POI extension to Digitransit-ui.