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Source files for basic ParaView plugins.

  • AustraliaFilter : Flip round y-axis in data coondinates. Example filter from a presentation.
  • ShowCVs : Show control volumes, i.e. show point data as cell data on a Voronoi dual data structure.
  • VelocitiesOnCVs : Interpolate vector values onto the face centres of the control volume data structure.
  • GMSHreader : Pull the data from a gmsh file. Currently limited to simplicies, but only due to laziness in coding.
  • GMSHwriter : Output mesh to a gmsh .msh file. Data not included.
  • FLMLreader : Pull and display the mesh from a .flml file. One day this will initialize the data as well.
  • detectorreader: Reads the data from a Fluidity .detector file and outputs a vtkPolyData object.
  • statreader: Reads a Fluidity .stat file into a vtkTable object.
  • SplitBcs : Split high and low dimension data from an unstructured grid containing both, e.g. as produced by the GMSHreader plugin above.
  • MergePointsFilter:Map unstructured grids between continuous and discontinuous (also high and low order).
  • Supermesh: Use Fluidity femtools library to generate supermesh from a pair of unstructured meshes.
  • TemporalDataReaders: Get Fluidity style time data out of files and use for the time level.
  • Template : Do nothing copy filter. Use as a template for other code.


My ParaView plug source code.






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