HNN Release 1.0.0
Bug fixes:
- RMSE will only include parts of the data file up until tstop
- Fixed y-scaling of evoked input plots and arrows
- Corrected the unit labeling for CaT and HCN channel density
- Display trailing zeros in RMSE
- Pressing “Stop Stimulation” will terminate orphan nrniv processes
- Remove references to the old install location of /usr/local/
- Automated ERP model optimization fully integrated into GUI
- Simulation output directory renamed to “hnn_out” and source code directory renamed to “hnn_source_code”
- It is no longer required to specify hnn.cfg on the command line
- Instructions for running HNN on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Updated Docker-based installation procedures and instructions for running HNN
- Model visualization will display in Docker container
- Display distributions of evoked inputs if a user has a loaded pram file even before running the simulation
- Present welcome message to user on first startup