v2.3.0 (2014-04-07)
Dependencies with new minimum versions:
- Django >= 1.6, < 1.7
- django-boostrap-form >= 3.1, < 3.2
Dependencies with new maximum versions:
- cssmin >= 0.1, < 0.3
- cssselector >= 0.8, < 0.10
- django-tastypie >= 0.9.13, < 0.12
- Pillow >= 1.7, < 2.5
Upgraded to Bootstrap 3, which gives way for a refreshed and more
responsive/mobile-friendly design. -
Upgraded to Font Awesome 4.
Upgraded to JQuery 2. IE6/7/8 are no longer supported. IE9 is the oldest IE version you can expect to work with comics.
Moved comics list from bottom of each page to its own page in the top menu. This makes it more available on mobile clients, as well as to new users that don't know where to find the list after they've subscribed to their first comic.
Use Moment.js to show time since fetched timestamp in release metadata. This can't be done on the server-side due to heavy caching.