A sweet list of SUI links and open-source repositories. Last updated: 17 January 2024.
A list of SUI blockchain and SUI related ecosystem links collected through the web, community, and social sources.
This readme intends to be a dev-centric gateway to SUI's technology, applications, and community ecosystem with a particular focus on tutorials, FAQs, developer resources, and open-source repositories.
Note: Inclusion in this list is not an endorsement of content, safety, or suitability for your coding, financial, or other needs. Any and all use of the resources provided is solely your responsibility.
Private Keys
Public - private key pairs & how they work - https://www.preveil.com/blog/public-and-private-key/
Secure your web3 private keys - https://blog.sui.io/private-key-security/
How to secure your crypto wallets private keys - https://medium.com/neptune-mutual/how-to-secure-your-crypto-wallets-private-keys-9eae39eba362
How to connect your Ledger to SUI - https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10136570195101-SUI-?docs=true
Best safety practices with Ledger - https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/6747982542749-Best-safety-practices-Ledger?docs=true
General Ledger security topics - https://www.ledger.com/academy/library/topics/security
Social Scams
Stay safe on Discord - https://www.ledger.com/academy/how-to-stay-safe-on-discord
10 NFT Scams to watch out for and how to avoid them - https://www.coingecko.com/learn/nft-scams-to-avoid
X (Twitter) Safety and security - https://help.twitter.com/en/safety-and-security
Main SUI webpage - https://sui.io/
Official SUI Docs - https://docs.sui.io/
Use Cases - https://sui.io/use-cases
Developer Portal - https://sui.io/developers
Grants Hub - https://sui.io/grants-hub
Events - https://sui.io/events
Ambassador Program - https://sui.io/ambassadors
Job Board - https://jobs.sui.io/jobs
Directory of Ecosystem Projects - https://sui.directory/
Mysten Labs - https://mystenlabs.com/
SUI Twitter - https://twitter.com/SuiNetwork
SUI Foundation Twitter - https://twitter.com/SuiFoundation
Mysten Labs Twitter - https://twitter.com/Mysten_Labs
Mysten Labs Github - https://github.com/MystenLabs
SUI Blog - https://blog.sui.io/
SUI Discord - https://discord.com/invite/sui
SUI Wallet - A chrome extension wallet for SUI (Chrome Webstore)
Suiet Wallet - A open-source wallet for SUI (Chrome Webstore)
Ethos Wallet - Open-source chrome extension wallet for SUI (Chrome Webstore)
Mofa Labs - An open-source mobile wallet - https://mofalabs.com
Elli Wallet - A mobile wallet - https://elliwallet.com
Getting Started
Official Documentation - https://docs.sui.io/
Installing SUI - https://docs.sui.io/guides/developer/getting-started/sui-install
Running a validator - https://docs.sui.io/guides/operator/validator-config
Full Node Configuration - https://docs.sui.io/guides/operator/sui-full-node
JSON RPC API - https://docs.sui.io/guides/developer/getting-started/connect
Mainnet Faucet - https://stakely.io/en/faucet/sui-sui
Testnet Faucet - https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/sui/testnet
Devnet & Testnet Faucets - https://discord.gg/sui
SUI Move Framework - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/tree/main/crates/sui-framework
Awesome Move - https://github.com/MystenLabs/awesome-move?tab=readme-ov-file
Move Book - https://move-language.github.io/move/
SUI Move By Example - https://examples.sui.io/
Sui Examples - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/tree/main/sui_programmability/examples
Why We Created SUI Move - Comparing original diem Move with SUI Move - https://blog.sui.io/why-we-created-sui-move/
Sui Tears - Sui Move library - https://github.com/interest-protocol/suitears
SUI Move Intro Course - https://github.com/sui-foundation/sui-move-intro-course
SUI 101 - https://docs.sui.io/guides/developer/sui-101
Sui Move Basic - https://medium.com/@BlockRunner/code-in-move-4-sui-move-basics-76c21cc0df1c
SUI zkLogin Tutorial - https://github.com/juzybits/polymedia-zklogin-demo
SUI Move Analyzer Tutorial - https://blog.sui.io/move-analyzer-tutorial/
Exploring SUI (Korean) - https://www.inflearn.com/course/%EC%9B%B0%EB%8D%98%EC%8A%A4%ED%8A%9C%EB%94%94%EC%98%A4-sui-%ED%8C%8C%ED%97%A4%EC%B9%98%EA%B8%B0
SUI Move Intro Course In Mandarin - https://github.com/RandyPen/sui-move-intro-course-zh
Introduction to SUI Network and Move - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJwN3IhpLnQ
Sui workshops - https://www.youtube.com/@Sui-Network/streams
MoveDAO Move Tutorial Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOaImPSvA2E&list=PLIJGo36CtI4L3sbAPX8motTQhzka4sMdh
Encode X SUI Educate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZRk1E4XmJo&list=PLfEHHr3qexv_aE7p6oDyVtD3WQsDsJngr
SUI - Move Smart Contract Programming Language Introduction (mtvs4u) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GCu90-udgE
SUI Fullstack Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrJ-5wsCykchZnZBIxj1NB_gwZqkfpLz
SUI Move Intro Course in Mandarin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZHjmo2ngu0
Instructions on How to Set Up a Validator Node - https://docs.sui.io/guides/operator/validator-config
Location of All Validators - https://suiexplorer.com/validators
Validator stats - https://valstat.xyz/
How to Set Up Onchain Alerting for Your SUI Validators (Scale3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDjEd7LPrjU
Splash Dash - An all in one SUI dashboard for staking, investments, and asset management - https://dash.splash.im/mainnet/dashboard
Blockchain Status
SUI Status - https://status.sui.io/
SUI Explorer
- Mainnet - https://suiexplorer.com/
- Testnet - https://suiexplorer.com/?network=testnet
- Devnet - https://suiexplorer.com/?network=devnet
- Localnet - https://suiexplorer.com/?network=local
- Mainnet - https://suiscan.xyz/mainnet/home
- Testnet - https://suiscan.xyz/testnet/home
- Devnet - https://suiscan.xyz/devnet/home
Oklink Explorer - https://www.oklink.com/sui
- Mainnet - https://suivision.xyz/
- Testnet - https://testnet.suivision.xyz/
Other Analytics
SUI Staking Validators & Calculator - https://www.stakingrewards.com/asset/sui
ChainAegis Data API - https://app.chainaegis.com/?lang=en&tab=index&#report
Indexer.xyz - A multi-chain NFT indexing platform that includes SUI data - https://www.indexer.xyz/
Blockvision SUI - An RPC provider and indexer for NFT and token information on SUI - https://docs.blockvision.org/reference/sui-indexing-api
Chainbase - A multi-chain data API that contains information about SUI NFTs, coins, and blocks - https://chainbase.com/datasets?chain=sui
Developer Tools
Sui Binaries - Contains the CLI to interact with the blockchain and Sui Move Package Manager - cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch devnet sui
Move Package Manager - Like cargo
or npm
for Move. Single CLI and corresponding Rust APIs for building, running, testing, debugging, and verifying Move packages - https://github.com/move-language/move/tree/main/language/tools/move-cli
Move Prover - Formal verification of user-defined specifications written in Move source code - https://github.com/move-language/move/tree/main/language/move-prover
Move Read / Write Set Analyzer - Static analysis tool for computing an overapproximation of the global memory touched by a Move program - https://github.com/move-language/move/tree/main/language/tools/read-write-set
Move Playground JS Library - Wrapping the Move Playground as a Javascript library for your browser. Can be used to build your own Move Playground locally - https://github.com/imcoding-online/js-move-playground
Go-SUI-Indexer - An off-fullnode service to grab data from a SUI Node - https://github.com/coming-chat/go-sui-indexer
SUI dApp Kit - A set of React components, hooks, and utilities that make it easy to build a dApp on SUI - https://sdk.mystenlabs.com/dapp-kit?ref=blog.sui.io
Mirror World - An all-in-one application development platform that helps developers deploy, grow, and monetize their blockchain applications. Available on SUI and other chains - https://www.mirrorworld.fun/
All Art Unity - A Unity package that provides wallet implementation for the SUI blockchain - https://github.com/allartprotocol/allart-unity-sui-wallet
Suibase - A set of CLI scripts to maintain distinct Sui binaries version (and keystore) for each network. Complements any existing dev setup with a consistent localnet (always same address, faucet etc...) and reliable Sui RPC Proxy server - https://suibase.io
Move VS Code Plugin - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=move.move-analyzer
Sui Move VS Code Plugin (alternative) - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MoveBit.sui-move-analyzer
Move IntelliJ Plugin - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14721-move-language
Sui Playground - Similar to Remix, but for Sui Move - https://www.movestudio.dev/
Move Vim - https://github.com/0xmovses/move.vim
Move-Mode - https://github.com/amnn/move-mode
Rust SDK - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/tree/main/sdk
TS / JS SDK - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/tree/main/sdk/typescript
Golang Community SDK 1 - https://github.com/coming-chat/go-sui-sdk
Golang Community SDK 2 - https://github.com/block-vision/sui-go-sdk
Python Community SDK - https://github.com/FrankC01/pysui
Java Community SDK - https://github.com/GrapeBaBa/sui4j
Kotlin Community SDK - https://github.com/cosmostation/suikotlin
C# Community SDK - https://github.com/d-moos/SuiNet
OmniSwap SUI SDK - https://github.com/OmniBTC/OmniSwap-Sui-SDK
Tradeport - https://tradeport.xyz
BlueMove - https://sui.directory/project/bluemove/
OKX Marketplace - https://sui.directory/project/okx-nft-marketplace/
Developer Tools
Origin Byte - NFT standards and tooling for game developers - https://www.originbyte.io/
Zero Knowledge: Move & SUI with Sam Blackshear from Mysten Labs - https://zeroknowledge.fm/228-2/
Let's get MOVING - Sam Blackshear Talks Move Programming Language - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_2jZ4YEfWc
SUI, the Next-Generation Layer 1: Adeniyi Abiodun, co-founder and CPO, Mysten Labs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4fcY4XDbPc
Fireside chat with Evan Cheng, Founder of SUI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWH_yGwASco
Bondcast: How has 2024 started? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8drFDavft3I
SUI Lutris: Combining Broadcast and Consensus in a Production Blockchain (a16z crypto) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZRazqlZQGY
Unveiling the SUI Blockchain: Pioneering Features and Unique Advantages (Animoca) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM5VBxoKPyM
What Makes SUI Different? (The IDK Show) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__kerstVMig
Static Analysis and Verification
Fast and reliable Formal Verification of Smart Contracts With the Move Prover - https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08362
Contract Auditing Services
Hacken - https://hacken.io/
Verichains - https://www.verichains.io/
SharkTeam - https://www.sharkteam.org/
Cyberscope - https://www.cyberscope.io/
Blaize.Security - https://blaize.tech/security/
KALOS - https://www.kalos.xyz/
OtterSec - https://osec.io/
0xGuard - https://0xguard.com/
HashEx - https://hashex.org/
softstack - https://softstack.io/
QuillAudits - https://www.quillaudits.com/smart-contract-audit
Github is a developer's best friend! You can search Github for similar code:
- Search for Github and look in the left column of results for "Repos, Code, Issues" in a related repo or the repo where the error came from
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- Google or search Github for the exact or variations of the error message
Github Search - https://github.com/ https://github.com/search/advanced
6 Google Search Tips To Make Googling Code Easier - https://medium.matcha.fyi/6-google-search-tips-to-make-googling-code-easier-da362e21b9da
Latest Issues
SUI Latest Issues - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/issues
Developer Communities
Developer Forums - https://forums.sui.io/
Suinami Riders Telegram Chat - https://t.me/+pxh89f8xU5RmYjNh
SUI Discord - https://discord.com/invite/sui
Move Language Discord - https://discord.com/invite/cPUmhe24Mz
Mysten Labs / Official Repos
SUI - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui
Blackjack with SUI and Move - https://github.com/MystenLabs/blackjack-sui
EVM <--> SUI Bridge - https://github.com/MystenLabs/evm-sui-bridge
SUI Genesis - Genesis state for various SUI networks - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-genesis
zkSend Wallet Demo - https://github.com/MystenLabs/zksend-wallet-demo
Fast Crypto Library - https://github.com/MystenLabs/fastcrypto
SUI Asset Tokenization - https://github.com/MystenLabs/asset-tokenization
React Native zkLogin Proof of Concept - https://github.com/MystenLabs/react-native-zklogin-poc
SUI Circulation API - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-circulation-api
Apps - The Home of applications such as suifrens that were created by Mysten Labs - https://github.com/MystenLabs/apps
Mysten Sim - Deterministic executor and network simulator for tokio based systems - https://github.com/MystenLabs/mysten-sim
ed25519 Unsafe Libraries - A list of unsafe ed25519 libraries - https://github.com/MystenLabs/ed25519-unsafe-libs
Hacker House Examples - https://github.com/MystenLabs/hacker-house-examples
SUI Colors - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-colors
Satoshi Coin Flip - https://github.com/MystenLabs/satoshi-coin-flip
Mysten App Docs - https://github.com/MystenLabs/mysten-app-docs
SUI Fantasy - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-fantasy
Capybot - Automated Trading Bot - https://github.com/MystenLabs/capybot
SUI Doctor - Tool for automatic diagnosis of configuration problems - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-doctor
SUI Axelar - sketches for connecting SUI to the Axelar bridge - https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-axelar
Mysten Infra - Common infrastructure used by multiple Mysten Projects - https://github.com/MystenLabs/mysten-infra
Narwhal - High throughput mempool & consensus, used in the SUI smart contract platform - https://github.com/MystenLabs/narwhal
- Aftermath Typescript SDK - https://github.com/AftermathFinance/aftermath-ts-sdk
- Aftermath Finanace SUI Decorators - https://github.com/AftermathFinance/af-sui-decorators
- Seapad SDK - https://github.com/seapad-fund/seapad-sdk
- Seapad Gift - https://github.com/seapad-fund/seapad-gift
- Turbos SUI Move Interface - https://github.com/turbos-finance/turbos-sui-move-interface
- Turbos Oracle - https://github.com/turbos-finance/turbos-oracle
- Turbos CLMM SDK - https://github.com/turbos-finance/turbos-clmm-sdk
- Luckystar Turbos Presale - https://github.com/turbos-finance/Luckystar-Turbos-PreSale-Move
- Turbos Javascript SDK - https://github.com/turbos-finance/turbos-sdk-js
- Typus SDK - https://github.com/Typus-Lab/typus-sdk
- Typus Assets - https://github.com/Typus-Lab/typus-asset
- Typus Oracle - https://github.com/Typus-Lab/typus-oracle
- Typus Framework - https://github.com/Typus-Lab/typus-framework
- Typus Defi Options Vaults - https://github.com/Typus-Lab/typus-dov
- Cetus AMM - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/cetus-amm
- Cetus CLMM Protocol Front - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/app-clmm
- Cetus CLMM SUI SDK - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/cetus-clmm-sui-sdk
- Move STL - A data structure and algorithm library for Move - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/move-stl
- Integer Mate - Library of move module that provides signed integer and integer math functions - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/integer-mate
- CLMM Integration SDK - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/clmm-integration-sdk
- Cetus Integrate - Easily integrate swaps from Cetus' concentrated liquidity pools - https://github.com/CetusProtocol/cetus-integrate
- Bucket Protocol SDK - https://github.com/Bucket-Protocol/bucket-protocol-sdk
- Fountain - Incentive program of Bucket Protocol to airdrop SUI to active users - https://github.com/Bucket-Protocol/fountain
- Fountain Periphery - https://github.com/Bucket-Protocol/fountain-periphery
- Raffle Move - https://github.com/Bucket-Protocol/Raffle-move
- Protocol Interface - https://github.com/naviprotocol/protocol-interface
- SUI Scallop SDK - https://github.com/scallop-io/sui-scallop-sdk
- Scallop Decorations URI - https://github.com/scallop-io/scallop-decorations-uri
- SUI Lending Protocol - https://github.com/scallop-io/sui-lending-protocol
- Scallop Landing Page - https://github.com/scallop-io/scallop-landing
- SUI Scallop Indexer - https://github.com/scallop-io/sui-scallop-indexer
- Scallop NFT Holder - https://github.com/scallop-io/scallop-nft-holder
- Scallop Mini Wallet - https://github.com/scallop-io/scallop-mini-wallet
- Chrome Extension - https://github.com/EthosWallet/chrome-extension
- Ethos Connect - https://github.com/EthosWallet/ethos-connect
- SUI8192 - https://github.com/EthosWallet/Sui8192
- Ethos Example App - https://github.com/EthosWallet/ethos-example-app
- Splash Wallet - https://github.com/cosmostation/splash
- Surf Extenstion - Makes it easy and safe to collect NFTs and transfer tokens on the SUI blockchain - https://github.com/surflabs/surf-extension
- SUI Multisig - https://github.com/surflabs/sui-multisig
- Suiet - https://github.com/suiet/suiet
- Keepsake contracts - https://github.com/KeepsakeMarketplace/keepsake-contracts
- Alchemy Move - https://github.com/KeepsakeMarketplace/alchemy_move
- Suia main repo - https://github.com/Mynft/suia
- Suia airdrop - https://github.com/Mynft/suiadrop
- Suia token - https://github.com/Mynft/suia-token
- NFT Protocol Smart Contracts - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/nft-protocol
- SUI Version Manager - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/suivm
- Critbit data structure for SUI - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/critbit
- Key Migration - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/key-migration
- Origin Mate - A library of module building blocks for SUI - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/originmate
- SUI Unity SDK - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/sui-unity-sdk
- SUI Net - A C# SDK to interact with the SUI blockchain and interact with the OriginByte NFT Protocol - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/suinet
- SUI Unreal Engine SDK - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/sui-unreal-sdk
- OriginByte JS SDK - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/originbyte-js-sdk
- Liquidity Layer - The secondary liquidity layer for OriginByte's NFT protocol - https://github.com/Origin-Byte/liquidity_layer
- Prime Machin - https://github.com/studio-mirai/prime-machin-contracts
- MiraiFS - https://github.com/studio-mirai/miraifs
- MiraiDrop - https://github.com/studio-mirai/miraidrop
- SUI Dashboard - https://github.com/chainbase-labs/sui-dashboard
- SUI Asset Minting - https://github.com/mirrorworld-universe/mirrorworld-sui-asset-minting
- SUI Asset Minting Client - https://github.com/mirrorworld-universe/mirrorworld-sui-asset-minting-client
- Town Story SUI Contract SDK - https://github.com/mirrorworld-universe/town-story-sui-contract-sdk
- Rage Effect SUI Contract SDK - https://github.com/mirrorworld-universe/rage-effect-sui-contract-sdk
- SUI Go SDK - https://github.com/block-vision/sui-go-sdk
Developer Tooling
- A SUI Demo - https://github.com/dddappp/A-Sui-Demo
- SUI Swap Example - https://github.com/dddappp/sui-swap-example
- SUI Blog Example - https://github.com/dddappp/sui-blog-example
- SUI Inscription - https://github.com/dddappp/sui-inscription
- SUI Crowdfunding Example - https://github.com/dddappp/sui-crowdfunding-example
- Get Movin - Move Studio's SUI Move Education Repo - https://github.com/MoveStudioIDE/get-movin
- Mono Repo - https://github.com/MoveStudioIDE/mono-repo
- Quest Mode IDE - https://github.com/MoveStudioIDE/quest-mode-IDE
- SUI Base - Sui Development environment and cookbook - https://github.com/ChainMovers/suibase
- SUI Base API Docs - https://github.com/ChainMovers/suibase-api-docs
- Polymedia profile - On-chain identity system on SUI - https://github.com/juzybits/polymedia-profile
- Polymedia commando - command line tools for airdrops, data gathering, and more - https://github.com/juzybits/polymedia-commando
- Polymedia chat - https://github.com/juzybits/polymedia-chat
- Polymedia Got Beef? - On-chain bets on SUI - https://github.com/juzybits/polymedia-gotbeef
- Belaunch Frontend - https://github.com/belaunch-io/Belaunch-frontend
- V1 Core Modules - Core smart contracts of BeLaunch V1 - https://github.com/belaunch-io/v1-core-modules
- Belaunch BLAT Token Contracts - https://github.com/belaunch-io/belaunch-contract
- Battlemon Application - https://github.com/battlemon-project/app
- Cloud Formation - https://github.com/battlemon-project/cloud-formation
- Babylon JS Game - https://github.com/battlemon-project/babylonjs-game
- SUI Contracts - https://github.com/battlemon-project/sui-contracts
- Game Build - The latest game build of battlemon - https://github.com/battlemon-project/game_build
- Metaverse Contracts Move - https://github.com/VMETA3/metaverse-contracts-move
- SUI Hackathon Submission - https://github.com/VMETA3/sui-hackathon
This is intended to be a near comprehensive list of SUI blockchain resources. If you do not see a resource, feel free to contribute! To contribute, please follow the "fork and pull" Git workflow:
- Clone the repo onto your local machine
- Create a new branch and commit any changes to this branch. Make sure to also update the last updated date!
- Push the changes to your branch.
- Submit a pull request and request review from jhuhnke. If I don't respond within 72 hours, please ping me on X @web3_analyst
Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the contents of this repository π