This program is designed to test the network speed of a user's computer, specifically their download and upload speeds. The program utilizes the speedtest library to perform the tests and the tqdm library to display progress bars during the tests. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the program works:
- The program starts by importing the necessary libraries: speedtest, tqdm, and time.
- A custom class TqdmSpeedtest is defined, which inherits from the speedtest.Speedtest class. This custom class is created to override the _download and _upload methods of the speedtest.Speedtest class to integrate tqdm progress bars.
- In the TqdmSpeedtest class, the _download and _upload methods are redefined to include callback hooks that are triggered during the progress of the download and upload tests. These hooks update the progress bars as the tests proceed.
- The test_network_speed() function is defined to perform the actual network speed tests.
- Inside the test_network_speed() function, a TqdmSpeedtest object is created and the best server to test the network speed is determined using the get_best_server() method.
- The download speed test is performed using a tqdm progress bar. The download() method of the TqdmSpeedtest object is called with a callback function that updates the progress bar based on the progress percentage. The download speed is then calculated and stored in the download_speed variable (in Mbps).
- Similarly, the upload speed test is performed using another tqdm progress bar. The upload() method is called with a callback function that updates the progress bar based on the progress percentage. The upload speed is then calculated and stored in the upload_speed variable (in Mbps).
- After both tests are completed, the download and upload speeds are printed to the console.
- The if name == "main": block ensures that the test_network_speed() function is called only when the script is executed directly (not when it's imported as a module).
Overall, this program provides a simple and visually informative way to test the network speed of a user's computer by displaying real-time progress bars for download and upload tests.