- Group Name: Project Group 85
- Tools For Analytics (Section: 2)
- Contributors: Yongyi(Nikki)Zhao, Jieming Bian
- UNI: yz3706 ; jb4382
Squirrel Tracker is a web application project which provides the users with the visualized sightings of squirrels on the map around Central Park at Manhattan, NYC. Specifically, it can import squirrel data and alls end users to add, update and edit data.
- Management Commands
- Views
A view that shows a map that displays the location of the squirrel sightings on an OpenStreets map
Located at: /map Method: GET
A view that lists all squirrel sightings with links to edit and add sightings
Located at: /sightings Method: GET
A view to update a particular sighting
Located at: /sightings/ Method: POST
A view to create a new sighting
Located at: /sightings/add Method: POST
A view to delete a sighting
Located at: /sightings/ Method: DELETE
A view with general statistics about the sightings
Located at: /sightings/stats Method: GET
Import: A command that can be used to import the data from the 2018 census file (in CSV format). The file path should be specified at the command line after the name of the management command.
python manage.py import_squirrel_data /path/to/file.csv
Export: A command that can be used to export the data in CSV format. The file path should be specified at the command line
after the name of the management command.
python manage.py export_squirrel_data /path/to/file.csv
We use squirrel data 2018 Central Park Squirrel Census which was counted by the Squirrel Census.
- Python (3.6, 3.7)
- Django (2.2)
- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/intro/tutorial01/
- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/howto/custom-management-commands/
Most development discussion is taking place on github in this repo.
This is a semester project dedicated for IEOR 4501 Tools for Analytics. Any contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements to make this project better are warmly welcomed.