- Convolve a spectrum by a Gaussian instrument profile with a given Resolution
. - Does not need a equidistant wavelength steps.
- Uses multiprocessing to speed up the convolution.
- Calculates the IP for every pixel/wavelength individually (but this is embarrassingly parallel).
git clone https://github.com/jason-neal/convolve_spectrum.git
cd convolve_spectrum
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
python setup.py install
from convolve_spectrum import ipconvolution
convolved_wav, convolved_flux = ip_convolution(wav, flux, wav_limits, R, fwhm_lim=5.0)
The wavelength axis is reduced to wav_limits due to edge effects in the convolution.
The original version of this code was used for the IP component of Figueira et. al. 2016 and explained in detail there (page 3).