This project has no longer available online
Zero waste is a environmental movement around reducing the amount of waste you produce to nearly zero. More can be read here( This is a web application where users can search for zero waste stores in their area or in any area. The website is driven by the community where they add stores to help other users find zero waste stores.
- Front-end:
- AngularJS 4
- Angular maps library for google maps integration
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap for CSS
- AngularJS 4
- Back-end
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Search for stores by Location or store name
- See more details about store including opening hours, products and full address
- Add new stores and zero waste products they sell
- See all zero waste stores on a google map
- Contact form to contact admins of site
- Login form for admins
- Admin dashboard where admins can:
- Delete and Edit stores
- View and delete messages sent via the contact form.