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IMAP Email Attachment Processor

The purpose of this application is to allow people to set up a number of IMAP email accounts, login to them periodically, and check unread emails against a set of patterns, including sender, subject, and body, as well as attachment patterns. When a match is found, the attachment is routed to a specified location. New IMAP accounts and patterns can be added using JSON files.


python = "^3.8"

boto3 = "^1.26.45"

configparser = "^5.3.0"

keyring = "^23.13.1" # Optional


Via poetry (Installation instructions here):

poetry install

Via pip:

pip3 install boto3
pip3 install configparser
pip3 install keyring # Optional


Configure the following files:

  • ./src/email_file_monitoring/imap_accounts.json
  • ./src/email_file_monitoring/default_email_rules.json
python3 src/email_file_monitoring/


The module for retrieving database passwords is located at './src/email_file_monitoring/utils/'. By default it uses the 'keyring' library, accepts two strings of 'secret_key' and 'user_name' and returns a string of 'password'. If you wish to use a different method of storing and retrieving database passwords, modify this .py file.

If you require more significant changes to how the password is retrieved (Eg. need to pass a different number of parameters), it is called by the './src/email_file_monitoring/' module.

If you do wish to use the keyring library, create the below password entries ("account_name" is specified in the imap_accounts.json file below, "name" is specified under a given condition in the _email_rules.json files below):

  • For each IMAP account:

    • account_name, imap_password_key
  • For each S3 delivery target:

    • name, "S3AccessKey"
    • name, "S3SecretKey"

App Configuration

The application is primarily controlled by .json files. The first is:


Contains the details for each IMAP account to be connected to. It looks like the below:

    "imap_accounts": [
            "account_name": "XYZ_Department_Sales_Files",
            "imap_username": "user1",
            "imap_server": "",
            "imap_port": 993,
            "imap_password_key": "password_key"
  • account_name: General name for the file processing area. It could be named based on the email address being monitored, or the department the files are being delivered for, etc.
  • imap_username: Login username for IMAP server
  • imap_server: IMAP Server Address
  • imap_port: IMAP Server Port
  • imap_password_key: Key to be used along with "account_name" for retrieving the correct password


Holds the specific patterns to look for and where to deliver the files when they are detected.

  "conditions": [
      "name": "example_entry_will_be_ignored",
      "pattern": {
        "sender": "@domain",
        "subject": ["Pattern01", "Pattern02"],
        "body": ["Pattern01", "Pattern02"],
        "attachments": [
            "filename": [".csv"]
      "delivery": {
        "target": "local",
        "path": "/path/to/save/files"
      "delivery": {
        "target": "s3", 
        "region": "us-west-1",
        "bucket": "my-bucket-name", 
        "subfolder": "sub-folder1/sub-folder2/"

Note: Multiple "delivery" keys shown for demonstration, but only one should be used per condition entry

  • name: Name for the condition being defined
  • pattern
    • sender: String pattern to check against the "Sender" field
    • subject: List of strings to check against the "Subject" field
    • body: List of strings to check against the "Body" field
    • filename: List of strings to check against the "Filename" field of each attachment
  • delivery
    • target: Delivery target type
    • path: Local file path to deliver attachments
    • region: S3 bucket region
    • bucket: S3 bucket name
    • subfolder: Subfolder(s) to deliver within bucket (optional)

A few notes:

  • The first entry "example_entry_will_be_ignored" will be ignored by the program. Leaving this here may make it easier to refer to the proper syntax and which patterns are available
  • For items defined as lists above, leave them in [], even if only a single pattern is desired
  • Every condition must have a "filename" section, as well as at least one of "sender", "subject" or "body" sections defined
  • If the body is of type "multipart/alternative", the "text/plain" version will be preferred over the "text/html" version
  • Currently the program can only deliver files locally and to an S3 bucket. Eventually the program will be enhanced to deliver to other locations (FTP Servers, Sharepoint, etc.)

Account-Specific Conditions

By default all accounts will use the default_email_rules.json file to determine their conditions. However, you can create account-specific condition files, if a given account can locate a file in the same location with the name "{account_name}_email_rules.json".

For example, if you have an account_name in your "imap_accounts.json" with a value of "Acme_Sales_Files", then it will look for "Acme_Sales_Files_email_rules.json" and use it instead of the default.

About the Author

My name is James Larsen, and I have been working professionally as a Business Analyst, Database Architect and Data Engineer since 2007. While I specialize in Data Modeling and SQL, I am working to improve my knowledge in different data engineering technologies, particularly Python.


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