The purpose of this application is to allow people to set up a number of IMAP email accounts, login to them periodically, and check unread emails against a set of patterns, including sender, subject, and body, as well as attachment patterns. When a match is found, the attachment is routed to a specified location. New IMAP accounts and patterns can be added using JSON files.
python = "^3.8"
boto3 = "^1.26.45"
configparser = "^5.3.0"
keyring = "^23.13.1" # Optional
Via poetry (Installation instructions here):
poetry install
pip3 install boto3
pip3 install configparser
pip3 install keyring # Optional
Configure the following files:
- ./src/email_file_monitoring/imap_accounts.json
- ./src/email_file_monitoring/default_email_rules.json
python3 src/email_file_monitoring/
The module for retrieving database passwords is located at './src/email_file_monitoring/utils/'. By default it uses the 'keyring' library, accepts two strings of 'secret_key' and 'user_name' and returns a string of 'password'. If you wish to use a different method of storing and retrieving database passwords, modify this .py file.
If you require more significant changes to how the password is retrieved (Eg. need to pass a different number of parameters), it is called by the './src/email_file_monitoring/' module.
If you do wish to use the keyring library, create the below password entries ("account_name" is specified in the imap_accounts.json file below, "name" is specified under a given condition in the _email_rules.json files below):
For each IMAP account:
- account_name, imap_password_key
For each S3 delivery target:
- name, "S3AccessKey"
- name, "S3SecretKey"
The application is primarily controlled by .json files. The first is:
Contains the details for each IMAP account to be connected to. It looks like the below:
"imap_accounts": [
"account_name": "XYZ_Department_Sales_Files",
"imap_username": "user1",
"imap_server": "",
"imap_port": 993,
"imap_password_key": "password_key"
- account_name: General name for the file processing area. It could be named based on the email address being monitored, or the department the files are being delivered for, etc.
- imap_username: Login username for IMAP server
- imap_server: IMAP Server Address
- imap_port: IMAP Server Port
- imap_password_key: Key to be used along with "account_name" for retrieving the correct password
Holds the specific patterns to look for and where to deliver the files when they are detected.
"conditions": [
"name": "example_entry_will_be_ignored",
"pattern": {
"sender": "@domain",
"subject": ["Pattern01", "Pattern02"],
"body": ["Pattern01", "Pattern02"],
"attachments": [
"filename": [".csv"]
"delivery": {
"target": "local",
"path": "/path/to/save/files"
"delivery": {
"target": "s3",
"region": "us-west-1",
"bucket": "my-bucket-name",
"subfolder": "sub-folder1/sub-folder2/"
Note: Multiple "delivery" keys shown for demonstration, but only one should be used per condition entry
- name: Name for the condition being defined
- pattern
- sender: String pattern to check against the "Sender" field
- subject: List of strings to check against the "Subject" field
- body: List of strings to check against the "Body" field
- filename: List of strings to check against the "Filename" field of each attachment
- delivery
- target: Delivery target type
- path: Local file path to deliver attachments
- region: S3 bucket region
- bucket: S3 bucket name
- subfolder: Subfolder(s) to deliver within bucket (optional)
A few notes:
- The first entry "example_entry_will_be_ignored" will be ignored by the program. Leaving this here may make it easier to refer to the proper syntax and which patterns are available
- For items defined as lists above, leave them in [], even if only a single pattern is desired
- Every condition must have a "filename" section, as well as at least one of "sender", "subject" or "body" sections defined
- If the body is of type "multipart/alternative", the "text/plain" version will be preferred over the "text/html" version
- Currently the program can only deliver files locally and to an S3 bucket. Eventually the program will be enhanced to deliver to other locations (FTP Servers, Sharepoint, etc.)
By default all accounts will use the default_email_rules.json file to determine their conditions. However, you can create account-specific condition files, if a given account can locate a file in the same location with the name "{account_name}_email_rules.json".
For example, if you have an account_name in your "imap_accounts.json" with a value of "Acme_Sales_Files", then it will look for "Acme_Sales_Files_email_rules.json" and use it instead of the default.
My name is James Larsen, and I have been working professionally as a Business Analyst, Database Architect and Data Engineer since 2007. While I specialize in Data Modeling and SQL, I am working to improve my knowledge in different data engineering technologies, particularly Python.