An RPG where you are immersed as a hacker into a hackathon and must create the best project. Failing to make the best project will result in your peril!
- Dynamic Programming Solution
- Single Player
- Text-Based
- Funny
Team Name stdafx
Team Members Corbin G, Angelo, JJ I
Grade Sophomore
Project Details This is a Hackathon Simulation RPG Game. It uses an algorithm to generate Arenas from a Collection
of Custom Enemies. This Collection
is completely expandable such that:
// Number of Enemies (N)
// Number of Enemy Tasks (Weapons) (W)
// Time (ms) (T)
1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000,000,000
1 ≤ W ≤ 1,000,000,000
0 ≤ T ≤ 5,000
- Framework Constructed from Scratch
- Dynamic Algorithm for generating Arenas
- Dynamic Algorithm for generating Enemies
- Dynamic Algorithm for Searching Enemies
- Interactive Game
- Ability to Adapt
- Java
- (Ran out of time to convert to C++)
How long can I go without sleeping?
Update 6:00PM 11/13/21: Final Submission Posted. Updating I got maybe 2 hours of sleep during this entire thing.
Claims he never saw the bee movie.
See Instructions in EXECUTE
Download Clone git repository to local drive. Execute Type in command in terminal or Run Executable
- Windows: Run executable or
HackerS.exe <command>
I think - Mac OS:
open HackerS.out
idk you choose - Linux:
or just use an actual OS
That wasn't too hard now, was it?
Why stdafx? C++ was my first language and my pride and joy,
the greatest ongoing joke I had between myself and fellow C++ users was forgetting #include <stdafx.h>
in a cpp file and the whole thing doesn't work!
- The app is supposed to be running on C++ (the joke is I haven't used it in 8 years because it is so time consuming).
- I'm writing the algorithms in java and then copying them over because it compiles faster and is easier to test.
- If I run out of time I might not be able to get it to C++ but the joke stands becasue I tried.