Official implementation code for "Lung Nodule Detection and Classification from Thorax CT-Scan Using RetinaNet with Transfer Learning" and "Lung Nodule Texture Detection and Classification Using 3D CNN."
Contributor: @ivanwilliammd, @wawancenggoro, @sliawatimena
- Ivan William Harsono, Suryadiputra Liawatimena, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro. "Lung Nodule Detection and Classification from Thorax CT-Scan Using RetinaNet with Transfer Learning". Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. 2020.
- Ivan William Harsono, Suryadiputra Liawatimena, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro. "Lung Nodule Texture Detection and Classification Using 3D CNN." CommIT Journal 13.2, 2019.
- Lin, Tsung-Yi, et al. "Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection" TPAMI, 2018.
- Carreira, Joao, and Andrew Zisserman. "Quo vadis, action recognition? a new model and the kinetics dataset." proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017.
- Jaeger, Paul et al. "Retina U-Net: Embarrassingly Simple Exploitation of Segmentation Supervision for Medical Object Detection" , 2018
- Paper with Code
Please cite our paper [1] & [2]
This codes are adapted from medicaldetectiontoolkit from pfjaeger for Jaeger et al, Medical Detection Toolkit [3, 5] and Kinetics I3D (I3D Backbone) [4] for malignancy (malignant for score>3, benign otherwise), texture classification (groundglass, subsolid, and solid), and nodule detection (Unsupressed RoI will be scored as 1 (foreground), while supressed RoI will be scored as 0 (background))
The LIDC needs to be preprocessed using DICOM preprocessing scripts and Batch generators for training
- lidc_exp_malignancy: preprocessing and data loader for LIDC malignancy clasification (2 class + 1 bg class)
- lidc_exp_texture: modified preprocessing and data loader for LIDC texture clasification (3 class + 1 bg class)
- moscow_exp_texture: modified preprocessing and data loader for private dataset texture clasification (3 class + 1 bg class)
- moscow_exp_subtlety: modified preprocessing and data loader for private dataset subtlety clasification (2 class + 1 bg class) --> 2 fg class : obvious (solid); subtle (subsolid, groundglass)
- lidc_exp_nodule: modified preprocessing and data loader for LIDC nodule clasification (1 fg+ 1 bg class)
- moscow_exp_nodule: modified preprocessing and data loader for Moscow nodule clasification (1 fg+ 1 bg class)
Setup package in virtual environment
git clone
cd I3DR-Net-Transfer-Learning
pip3 install -e .
Install MIC-DKFZ batch-generators
git clone
cd batchgenerators
pip3 install -e .
Non-Maximum Suppression taken from pytorch-faster-rcnn and added adaption for 3D
cd cuda_functions/nms_2D/src/cuda/
nvcc -c -o -x cu -Xcompiler -fPIC -arch=sm_60
cd ../../
cd ../../
cd cuda_functions/nms_3D/src/cuda/
nvcc -c -o -x cu -Xcompiler -fPIC -arch=sm_60
cd ../../
cd ../../
RoiAlign taken from RoiAlign, fixed according to this bug report, and added adaption for 3D
cd cuda_functions/roi_align_2D/roi_align/src/cuda/
nvcc -c -o -x cu -Xcompiler -fPIC -arch=sm_60
cd ../../
cd ../../../
cd cuda_functions/roi_align_3D/roi_align/src/cuda/
nvcc -c -o -x cu -Xcompiler -fPIC -arch=sm_60
cd ../../
cd ../../../
GPU | arch |
TitanX | sm_52 |
GTX 960M | sm_50 |
Tesla P100 | sm_60 |
Tesla P4 | sm_61 |
GTX 10XX series | sm_61 |
GTX 1080 (Ti) | sm_61 |
Tesla V100 | sm_70 |
for more compute capability information, please see: ( )
Set I/O paths, model and training specifics in the configs file: i3dr-net/experiments/your_experiment/
Train the model:
python --mode train --exp_source experiments/my_experiment --exp_dir path/to/experiment/directory
This copies snapshots and monitoring diagram of configs and model to the specified exp_dir, where all outputs will be saved. By default, the data is split into 60% training and 20% validation and 20% testing data to perform a 5-fold cross validation (can be changed to hold-out test set in configs) and all folds will be trained iteratively. In order to train a single fold, specify it using the folds arg:
python --folds 0 1 2 .... # specify any combination of folds [0-4]
Run inference:
python --mode test --exp_dir path/to/experiment/directory
This runs the prediction pipeline and saves all results to exp_dir.
Add pretrained ImageNet I3D RGB Weights:
python --mode train --exp_source experiments/my_experiment --exp_dir path/to/experiment/directory --rgb_weights_path weight/model_rgb.pth
This runs the prediction pipeline and saves all results to exp_dir.
python --mode train_test --folds 0 --exp_source experiments/lidc_exp_subtlety/ --exp_dir ~/I3DR-Models/LIDC-Solidity_TransferI3D --rgb_weights_path weight/model_rgb.pth
python --mode train_test --folds 0 --exp_source experiments/moscow_exp_subtlety/ --exp_dir ~/I3DR-Models/Moscow-Solidity_TransferI3D --rgb_weights_path weight/model_rgb.pth
Last updated July 2nd 2019