set the right paths for audio files in the config files first
- python -c config/features.ini
- python -c config/labels.ini
after feature extraction
- python -c config/train.ini
Numerous machine learning & signal processing approaches have been evaluated on the ESC-50 dataset. Most of them are listed here. If you know of some other reference, you can message me or open a Pull Request directly.
• CNN - Convolutional Neural Network
• LRAP - Label Ranking Average Precision Score
Title | DataSet | Notes | val_LRAP | Paper | Code |
EnvNet (BaseLine) | Mel-spectrogram(train_curated) | CNN + binary_crossentropy probably overfitted, thought the training data is not enough representative |
0.5 (77 epoch) | LeCun1998 | |
EnvNet (BaseLine) | Mel-spectrogram(train_curated)+Featurewise center & standardization | CNN + binary_crossentropy probably overfitted, thought the training data is not enough representative |
0.51 (31 epoch) | piczak2015b |
- muda package for data augmentation (pip install muda)