Eventing was a team submission for the Facebook Hackathon 2018 in Barcelona, under the theme 'Collaboration'. The concept is simple - Currently facebook events are created by people creating an event based on their interest. We would like to invert this principle - instead, when enough people express interest on a certain topic to our Facebook bot, they are put together in a group where they can meet others who have expressed the same interest.
A Facebook user makes the first move by initiating conversation with the bot. User interacts with a frontend that collects data about what the user is interested in. The database is queried for other users who are interested in the same thing. If it finds that the number of people interested in an event has reached a set limit, it alerts all the users in the channel and broadcasts messages between them.
A few things you have to take in consideration before using Eventing
After cloning the repo you'll have to :
- Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS on your machine and run the service:
brew install postgres
brew install postgis
brew services start postgres
- Access PostgresSQL command line on the default database:
psql postgres
Your bash should now look like this:
psql (10.3)
Type "help" for help.
- Now set a password for the current user (the user name is usually the name of the current user on the machine):
postgres=# ALTER USER <user_name> WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
- In order to correctly create the database, create an .env file in the root server folder with this structure:
You also can change the port or database name on Postgres configuration database.
- Create the database based on your .env configuration (remember, you should before install npm packages in your server to correctly use sequelize-cli):
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:create
- Connect to the new created database:
postgres=# \c <db_name>
Is recommended to call the database "eventing".
- Finally, create the extension for PostGIS:
eventing=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
Always remember the semicolon or the syntax will not work.
- Now your database setup is finished and you are ready to connect it with the server.
Finally, migrate the database on your local machine:
cd eventing
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
Start the server:
cd eventing
npm start
- Follow Facebook's Setting Up Your Facebook App
- The bot needs to open up a webview. You'll have to whitelist the url the webview lives on. More about Webviews
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details