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Writing an Adapter

We strongly recommend that you create self-hosted adapters using the provided template for Visual Studio and dotnet new. See here for more information.

An adapter is a component that exposes real-time process data and/or alarm & event data to Intelligent Plant App Store Connect. This data can then be used by apps on the Industrial App Store such as Gestalt Trend and Alarm Analysis.

You can find a tutorial for writing a simple MQTT adapter here.

All adapters implement the IAdapter interface. Each adapter implements a set of features, which are exposed via an IAdapterFeaturesCollection. Individual features are defined as interfaces, and inherit from IAdapterFeature.

Note that adapters do not have to directly implement the feature interfaces themselves. Instead, the adapter can delegate the feature implementation to a helper class. This is described in more detail below.

Adapter implementations should inherit from the abstract AdapterCore, AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> or AdapterBase classes. Inheriting from AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> or AdapterBase is recommended.

Adapter Options

The AdapterOptions class is the base class for all adapter configuration options. At its most basic level, it is used to provide the display name and description for an adapter. When writing an adapter, extend the class to provide adapter-specific configuration to your adapter type:

public class MyAdapterOptions : AdapterOptions {

    public string Hostname { get; set; } = "localhost";

    [Range(1, 65535)]
    public int Port { get; set; } = 12345;


public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {

    public MyAdapter(string id, MyAdapterOptions options) : base(id, options) { }


Implementing Features

Adapter implementers can pick and choose which features they want to provide. For example, the DataCore.Adapter.RealTimeData namespace defines interfaces for features related to real-time process data (requesting current tag values, performing various types of historical data queries, and so on). An individual adapter can implement features related to process data, alarm and event sources, and alarm and event sinks, as required.

Every feature defines a URI that uniquely identifies the feature. URIs for well-known features are defined here.

Available Features

Adapters can implement any number of the following standard feature interfaces:

Category Name Description
Asset Model IAssetModelBrowse Asset model browsing
Asset Model IAssetModelSearch Asset model search
Custom Functions ICustomFunctions Vendor- or adapter-specific custom RPC functions
Diagnostics IConfigurationChanges Notifications about changes to an adapter's available tags, assets, etc.
Diagnostics IHealthCheck Reports the health status of the adapter and its external dependencies.
Events IEventMessagePush Push subscriptions that notify callers about events in real-time.
Events IEventMessagePushWithTopics Push subscriptions that notify callers about events in real-time via topics.
Events IReadEventMessagesForTimeRange Retrieval of historical event messages within a given time range.
Events IReadEventMessagesUsingCursor Retrieval of historical event messages starting from a given cursor position.
Events IWriteEventMessages Ingestion of event messages from an external source.
Real-Time Data IReadPlotTagValues Retrieval of a best-fit curve of raw historical tag values for visualization in a chart.
Real-Time Data IReadProcessedTagValues Retrieval of aggregated tag values (such as the average value of a tag over an hourly interval), and for discovering the aggregations that the adapter supports.
Real-Time Data IReadRawTagValues Polling of raw, unprocessed historical tag values.
Real-Time Data IReadSnapshotTagValues Polling of the current tag values.
Real-Time Data IReadTagValueAnnotations Retrieval of annotations associated with tag values (such as when a value exceeded its operating limits).
Real-Time Data IReadTagValuesAtTimes Retrieval of tag values at specific points in history.
Real-Time Data ISnapshotTagValuePush Push subscriptions that notify callers about changes in the current values for subscribed tags.
Real-Time Data IWriteHistoricalTagValues Ingestion of tag values directly into a historical archive.
Real-Time Data IWriteSnapshotTagValues Ingestion of tag values into a snapshot pipeline where data filters can be used to determine when values should be written to a historical archive.
Real-Time Data IWriteTagValueAnnotations Management of annotations associated with tag values.
Tags ITagConfiguration Management of tag definitions using adapter-specific schemas.
Tags ITagInfo Retrieval of information about tags by ID or name.
Tags ITagSearch Discovery of tags via search operations.

The ICustomFunctions feature allows an adapter to define bespoke custom functions that can be invoked via standard API calls. This is described in more detail below.

Working with IAsyncEnumerable

Adapter features make extensive use of the IAsyncEnumerable<T> type, to allow query results to be streamed back to the caller asynchronously. For .NET Framework and .NET Standard 2.0 targets, the Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces NuGet package is used to define the type.

In order to produce IAsyncEnumerable<T> instances from iterator methods, or to consume IAsyncEnumerator<T> instances using await foreach loops, your project must use C# 8.0 or higher.

In most cases, it is advisable to declare a feature method using the async keyword, and to use yield return statements to emit values as they occur. For example:

async IAsyncEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> IReadSnapshotTagValues.ReadSnapshotTagValues(
    IAdapterCallContext context, 
    ReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest request, 
    CancellationToken cancellationToken
) {
    await foreach (var item in GetSnapshotValues(request.Tags, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
        yield return item;

private IAsyncEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> GetSnapshotValues(IEnumerable<string> tags, CancelationToken cancellationToken) {

If your implementation runs synchronously (e.g. if the return values are held in an in-memory collection), you can use Task.Yield to make the implementation asynchronous:

async IAsyncEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> IReadSnapshotTagValues.ReadSnapshotTagValues(
    IAdapterCallContext context, 
    ReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest request, 
    CancellationToken cancellationToken
) {
    await Task.Yield();

    foreach (var item in GetSnapshotValues(request.Tags, cancellationToken)) {
        yield return item;

private IEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> GetSnapshotValues(IEnumerable<string> tags, CancelationToken cancellationToken) {

Feature Wrappers

All features that are registered with an adapter derived from AdapterCore are wrapped inside a special wrapper class that performs the following functions:

  • Validates the IAdapterCallContext parameter and any request or client streaming parameters passed to each feature method.
  • Generates telemetry (Activity, metrics, and EventSource) for each feature invocation. In the case of server and client streaming methods, metrics and EventSource logging is generated for each item emitted or ingested by the method.

If you need to access the underlying feature implementation (for example, if it is an external implementation as described below and you need access to another method on the external implementation) you can use the Unwrap extension method on the wrapper to get the original feature implementation:

internal class MyTagSearchFeature : ITagSearch {
  // ITagSearch code removed for brevity
  public void DeleteAllTags() {
    // Implementation removed for brevity

internal static void DeleteAllTagsForAdapter(IAdapter adapter) {
    if (!(adapter.GetFeature<ITagSearch>().Unwrap() is MyTagSearchFeature feature) {


Delegating Feature Implementations to External Providers

Feature implementations can be delegated to another class instead of being implemented directly by the adapter class. Examples of external feature provider classes include the SnapshotTagValuePush class, which can be used to add ISnapshotTagValuePush functionality to your adapter. Examples of additional external providers can be found in the sections below.

When using external feature providers, you must register the features manually, by calling the AddFeature or AddFeatures methods inherited from AdapterCore:

var snapshotPush = new PollingSnapshotTagValuePush(this, new PollingSnapshotTagValuePushOptions() { 
    AdapterId = Descriptor.Id,
    PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
    TagResolver = SnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(this)
}, BackgroundTaskService, Logger);


Any features that are added to the adapter from an external provider that implement IDisposable or IAsyncDisposable will be disposed when the adapter is disposed.

Health Checks (IHealthCheck Feature)

AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> adds out-of-the-box support for the IHealthCheck feature. To customise the health checks that are performed, you can override the CheckHealthAsync method.

Whenever the health status of your adapter changes (e.g. you become disconnected from an external service that the adapter relies on), you should call the OnHealthStatusChanged method from your implementation. This will recompute the overall health status of the adapter and push the update to any subscribers to the IHealthCheck feature.

Tag Management (ITagInfo, ITagSearch Features)

This topic is described in more detail here.

If your adapter will manage its own tag definitions instead of retrieving them from e.g. an external database, you can use the TagManager class to implement the ITagInfo and ITagSearch features on your adapter's behalf.

Asset Model Management (IAssetModelBrowse, IAssetModelSearch Features)

If your adapter must manage its own asset model, you can delegate this functionality to the AssetModelManager class. AssetModelManager implements the IAssetModelBrowse and IAssetModelSearch features on your adapter's behalf.

Configuration Changes (IConfigurationChanges Feature)

The ConfigurationChanges class can be used to implement the IConfigurationChanges feature on your adapter's behalf.

TagManager and AssetModelManager can integrate with ConfigurationChanges to send notifications when tags or asset model nodes are created, updated or deleted.

Event Message Subscriptions (IEventMessagePush / IEventMessagePushWithTopics Features)

To add the IEventMessagePush and/or IEventMessagePushWithTopics features to your adapter, you can add or extend the EventMessagePush and EventMessagePushWithTopics classes respectively. To push values to subscribers, call the ValueReceived method on the feature.

If your source supports its own subscription mechanism, you can extend the EventMessagePush and/or EventMessagePushWithTopics classes and override the appropriate extension points. For example, in an OPC UA adapter, you could extend EventMessagePushWithTopics to add a new monitored item to an OPC UA subscription when a subscription to a topic was created on your adapter.

Snapshot Tag Value Subscriptions (ISnapshotTagValuePush Feature)

This topic is described in more detail here.

To add the ISnapshotTagValuePush feature to your adapter, you can use the SnapshotTagValuePush or PollingSnapshotTagValuePush classes. The latter can be used when the underlying source does not support a subscription mechanism of its own, and allows subscribers to your adapter to receive real-time value changes at an update rate of your choosing, by polling the underlying source for values on a periodic basis. To push values to subscribers, call the ValueReceived method on the feature.

If your source supports its own subscription mechanism, you can extend the SnapshotTagValuePush class and override the appropriate extension points. For example, if you were writing an MQTT adapter that treats individual MQTT channels as tags, you could extend SnapshotTagValuePush so that it subscribes to an MQTT channel when a subscriber subscribes to a given tag name.

Note that you can also use the SnapshotTagValueManager class to implement both ISnapshotTagValuePush and IReadSnapshotTagValues on your adapter's behalf. This is useful when your source does not support direct polling and you need to cache snapshot values received via push locally in the adapter.

Historical Tag Value Queries

This topic is described in more detail here.

If your underlying source does not natively support aggregated, values-at-times, or plot/best-fit tag value queries (implemented via the IReadProcessedTagValues, IReadTagValuesAtTimes, and IReadPlotTagValues features respectively), you can use the ReadHistoricalTagValues class to provide these capabilities, as long as you can provide it with the ability to resolve tag names, and to request raw tag values.

If your source implements some of these capabilities but not others, you can use the classes in the DataCore.Adapter.RealTimeData.Utilities namespace to assist with the implementation of the missing functionality if desired.

Note that using ReadHistoricalTagValues or the associated utility classes will almost certainly perform worse than a native implementation; native implementations are always encouraged where available.

Custom Functions (ICustomFunctions Feature)

An adapter can expose non-standard or vendor-specific functionality via custom functions. Custom functions can be discovered and invoked if an adapter implements the ICustomFunctions feature.

The simplest way to implement ICustomFunctions is to create an instance of the CustomFunctions helper class and have your adapter register the instance as a feature provider:

var customFunctions = new CustomFunctions(TypeDescriptor.Id);

You can then use the RegisterFunctionAsync method to register your functions:

private async Task AddFunctionsAsync() {
    var feature = Features.Get<ICustomFunctions>().Unwrap() as CustomFunctions;
    if (feature == null) {

    await feature.RegisterFunctionAsync<GreeterRequest, GreeterResponse>(
        "Replies to requests with a greeting message.",
        (context, request, ct) => Task.FromResult(new GreeterResponse() { 
            Message = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" 

public class GreeterRequest {

    public string Name { get; set; } = default!;


public class GreeterResponse {

    public string Message { get; set; } = default!;


Each registered function has a unique URI identifier. The URI does not have to support dereferencing (i.e. it does not have to be a URL that can be accessed via an HTTP request).

In the example above, the URI will be derived from the base URI specified when creating the CustomFunctions instance (the URI type identifier for the adapter in the above example), and the name of the function.

Each custom function definition also contains JSON schemas describing valid request and response messages. In the example above, the schemas are automatically generated from the GreeterRequest and GreeterResponse types.

Assuming that the type ID of the adapter is, the JSON-encoded function description for the Greet function would be as follows:

    "id": "",
    "name": "Greet",
    "description": "Replies to requests with a greeting message.",
    "requestSchema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "name": {
                "type": "string",
                "maxLength": 100
        "required": [
    "responseSchema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "message": {
                "type": "string"

The request schema is automatically applied to incoming invocation requests received via the REST API, gRPC, and SignalR hosting packages.

Example invocations via REST interface:

POST /api/app-store-connect/v2.0/custom-functions/my-adapter
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "",
    "body": {
        "name": "John Smith"


Content-Type: application/json

    "body": {
        "message": "Hello, John Smith!"
POST /api/app-store-connect/v2.0/custom-functions/my-adapter
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "",
    "body": {
        "name": null


400/Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "valid": false,
    "keywordLocation": "#/properties/name/type",
    "instanceLocation": "#/name",
    "error": "Value is \"null\" but should be \"string\""

Disabling Automatic Feature Registration

To disable automatic registration of features implemented directly on the adapter class, you can annotate your class with an AutomaticFeatureRegistrationAttribute:

public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {


The IHealthCheck feature supplied by AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> will always be registered, even if automatic feature registration is disabled.

If automatic feature registration is disabled, you must manually register any features that are directly implemented by the adapter class:

public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions>, ITagSearch {

    private class RegisterTagSearchFeature() {


Use Cases

In general, is is not desirable to disable automatic feature registration. However, there are some examples of when this behaviour may be required:

  • You are writing an adapter for a protocol that supports both the reading and writing of values (e.g. MQTT), but you want to enable and disable writing to the remote server at runtime based on the supplied adapter options.
  • You are writing a proxy for an adapter hosted in an external system, and you want to add features to your adapter at runtime that match the features implemented by the remote adapter.

Persisting State

The IKeyValueStore service can be injected into an adapter constructor to provide a service for storing arbitrary key-value pairs that can be persisted and restored when an adapter or host application is restarted.

The default in-memory implementation does not persist state between restarts of the host application. If you require such durability, you can use one of the implementations listed below or write your own implementation.

The following IKeyValueStore implementations support persistence:

IKeyValueStore expects values to be specified as byte[]. Extension methods exist to automatically serialize values to/from JSON using System.Text.Json e.g.

await kvStore.WriteJsonAsync("UtcLastUpdated", DateTime.UtcNow).ConfigureAwait(false);



Tracing is provided using the ActivitySource class (via the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource NuGet package).

Activities are automatically created when invoking features that have been registered with an adapter derived from AdapterCore (including both AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> and AdapterBase).

You can use ActivitySource property in the static Telemetry class to provide adapter-specific trace activities inside your feature implementations (for example, while executing a database query):

private async IAsyncEnumerable<EventMessage> ReadEventMessagesAsync(
    SqlCommand command, 
    CancellationToken cancellationToken
) {
    using (var conn = await OpenConnection(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
        command.Connection = conn;

        using (var executeReaderActivity = Telemetry.ActivitySource.StartActivity("my_adapter/db_execute_reader"))
        using (var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
            using (Telemetry.ActivitySource.StartActivity("my_adapter/db_reader_read", ActivityKind.Internal, executeReaderActivity?.Id!)) {
                while (await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) {
                    var item = await ReadEventMessage(reader, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    yield return item;


You can use Meter property in the static Telemetry class to add custom metric instrumentation to your adapter.

Instrumentation is automatically generated for the following metrics on all features registered with an adapter derived from AdapterCore:

  • Operations started
  • Operations completed
  • Operations faulted
  • Operation duration
  • Server stream items emitted
  • Client stream items consumed

Providing Adapter Options From Configuration

AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions> defines constructors that allow the options for the adapter to be supplied via an IOptions<T> or IOptionsMonitor<T> instance supplied by your application's dependency injection system. For example:

// appsettings.json
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "Kestrel": {
    "EndpointDefaults": {
      "Protocols": "Http1AndHttp2"
  "CsvAdapter": {
    "my-csv": {
      "Name": "Sample Data",
      "Description": "CSV adapter with dummy data",
      "IsDataLoopingAllowed": true,
      "CsvFile": "SampleData.csv"
[assembly: DataCore.Adapter.VendorInfo("My Company", "")]

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

       name: "My Host",
       description: "A brief description of the hosting application"
    // Bind adapter options against the application configuration.
    .AddServices(svc => svc.Configure<DataCore.Adapter.Csv.CsvAdapterOptions>(
    // Register the adapter.
    .AddAdapter(sp => ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<DataCore.Adapter.Csv.CsvAdapter>(

// Remaining code removed for brevity.

Passing options to your adapter using an IOptionsMonitor<T> also allows you to reconfigure your adapter at runtime when the configuration options change in the host application. You can react to configuration changes by overriding the OnOptionsChange method in your adapter implementation.

Structuring Adapter Code

When writing an adapter that implements multiple features, it can be useful to segregate the different feature implementations for readability purposes. Partial classes provide an excellent way of segregating the implementation code, while ensuring that each feature can access all of the helper methods inherited from AdapterBase<TAdapterOptions>.

// MyAdapter.cs

public partial class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {
// MyAdapter.ReadSnapshotTagValues.cs

partial class MyAdapter : IReadSnapshotTagValues {

    async IAsyncEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> IReadSnapshotTagValues.ReadSnapshotTagValues(
        IAdapterCallContext context, 
        ReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest request, 
        CancellationToken cancellationToken
    ) {



A helper package is available to assist with basic testing of adapters using MSTest. To write tests for your adapter, extend the AdapterTestsBase<TAdapter> base class, annotate your new class with a [TestClass] attribute, implement the abstract CreateServiceScope and CreateAdapter methods, and then override the various CreateXXXRequest methods to supply settings for the features that your adapter implements:

// AssemblyInitializer.cs

public class AssemblyInitializer {

    public static IServiceProvider? ServiceProvider { get; private set; }

    public static void Init(TestContext testContext) {
        // This method is called by MSTest when your test assembly is loaded. If you will not 
        // be using a service provider when creating adapter instances for use in tests, this 
        // class is not required.

        var services = new ServiceCollection();

        // TODO: add services such as logging here.

        ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

// MyAdapterTests.cs

public class MyAdapterTests : AdapterTestsBase<MyAdapter> {

    protected override IServiceScope? CreateServiceScope(TestContext context) {
        // Create and return a service scope for a test. You can return null if you will not be 
        // using a service provider when creating your adapter instances in CreateAdapter below.
        return AssemblyInitializer.ServiceProvider?.CreateScope();

    protected override MyAdapter CreateAdapter(TestContext context, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {
        // Create and return an instance of your adapter here. The 'serviceProvider' parameter will
        // be null if CreateServiceScope above returns null.

    protected override ReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest CreateReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest(TestContext context) {
        // If your adapter implements IReadSnapshotTagValues, you can supply a request object to 
        // use when testing that feature.
        return new ReadSnapshotTagValuesRequest() {
            Tags = new[] { "Example_Tag_1", "Example_Tag_2" }

    // TODO: write your own adapter-specific tests
