Snapshot polling and subscriptions for tags are implemented via the following features:
Feature | Description |
IReadSnapshotTagValues | Defines methods for polling the adapter for the current values of tags. |
ISnapshotTagValuePush | Allows a caller to subscribe to receive snapshot value changes for tags as they occur. |
The adapter toolkit defines a number of helper classes that can be used to simplify implementation of the above features depending on the adapter's requirements. The following table describes the appropriate helper class to use in different scenarios:
Scenario | Example Source Systems | Helper Class |
Both real-time value change subscriptions and polling queries are supported by the source system. | SCADA system with OPC UA server | SnapshotTagValuePush |
Polling for current values is supported by the source system, but value change subscriptions are not. | HTTP API, OpenTelemetry metric instrumentation | PollingSnapshotTagValuePush |
An external message broker is used to push events to the adapter for processing. | MQTT broker, Azure Event Hub | SnapshotTagValueManager |
Current values are written to the adapter host by an external component, or are generated directly by the adapter | Incoming TCP stream | SnapshotTagValueManager |
The SnapshotTagValuePush class implements ISnapshotTagValuePush
, managing subscriptions to the adapter on your behalf:
public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {
private readonly SnapshotTagValuePush _snapshotPush;
public MyAdapter(
string id,
IOptions<MyAdapterOptions> options,
IBackgroundTaskService backgroundTaskService,
ILogger<MyAdapter> logger
) : base(id, options, backgroundTaskService, logger) {
// TODO: Implement the ITagInfo feature or delegate it to an external provider.
_snapshotPush = new SnapshotTagValuePush(
new SnapshotTagValuePushOptions() {
TagResolver = SnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(this),
OnTagSubscriptionsAdded = (sender, tags, cancellationToken) => {
// TODO: Perform any setup actions required when tags are subscribed to.
OnTagSubscriptionsRemoved = (sender, tags, cancellationToken) => {
// TODO: Perform any teardown actions required when tags are unsubscribed from.
The SnapshotTagValuePush
constructor accepts a SnapshotTagValuePushOptions parameter that can be used to define callbacks used by the SnapshotTagValuePush
to handle events such as:
- Verifying that tag names or IDs specified when subscribing to tags are valid.
- Performing custom setup actions when the number of subscribers for a tag changes from zero to one.
- Performing custom teardown actions when the number of subscribers for a tag changes from one to zero.
In virtually every case, your adapter will expose the ITagInfo feature (either by implementing it directly or by using a helper class). An appropriate callback for the SnapshotTagValuePushOptions.TagResolver
property can easily be created from the ITagInfo
feature by calling the static SnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(ITagInfo)
or SnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(IAdapter)
The setup and teardown actions in SnapshotTagValuePushOptions
can be used to add or remove items to the underlying native push mechanism, for example by adding items to or removing items from a subscription on an OPC UA server.
Alternatively, instead of specifying callback methods in the SnapshotTagValuePushOptions
object, you can create your own subclass of SnapshotTagValuePush
and override the appropriate methods directly:
public class MySnapshotPush : SnapshotTagValuePush {
public MySnapshotPush(SnapshotTagValuePushOptions? options, IBackgroundTaskService? backgroundTaskService, ILogger? logger)
: base(options, backgroundTaskService, logger) { }
protected override IAsyncEnumerable<TagIdentifier> ResolveTags(IAdapterCallContext context, IEnumerable<string> tags, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
// TODO: Return an IAsyncEnumerable<TagIdentifier> containing the resolved tags
protected override Task OnTagsAdded(IEnumerable<TagIdentifier> tags, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
// TODO: Perform any setup actions required when tags are subscribed to.
protected override Task OnTagsRemoved(IEnumerable<TagIdentifier> tags, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
// TODO: Perform any teardown actions required when tags are unsubscribed from.
In order to be able to deliver value changes to subscribers, you must tell the SnapshotTagValuePush
when the snapshot value for a tag has changed by calling its ValueReceived
private async Task OnValueChangedAsync(TagValueQueryResult newSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await _snapshotPush.ValueReceived(newSnapshot, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
The PollingSnapshotTagValuePush class implements ISnapshotTagValuePush
. Unlike the SnapshotTagValuePush
class, it does not require you to tell it when snapshot values have changed. Instead, it accepts an IReadSnapshotTagValues
parameter when it is created, and then periodically polls this provider for the current value for all tags that currently have subscribers. This ensures that polling only occurs when an external caller is actively observing value changes.
The constructor also accepts a PollingSnapshotTagValuePushOptions parameter, which is used to configure how frequently the IReadSnapshotTagValues
feature will be polled:
public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {
private readonly PollingSnapshotTagValuePush _snapshotPush;
public MyAdapter(
string id,
IOptions<MyAdapterOptions> options,
IBackgroundTaskService backgroundTaskService,
ILogger<MyAdapter> logger
) : base(id, options, backgroundTaskService, logger) {
// TODO: Implement the ITagInfo and IReadSnapshotTagValues features or delegate them to external providers.
_snapshotPush = new PollingSnapshotTagValuePush(
new PollingSnapshotTagValuePushOptions() {
PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
TagResolver = PollingSnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(this)
As with SnapshotTagValuePush
, an appropriate callback for the PollingSnapshotTagValuePushOptions.TagResolver
property can easily be created from the adapter's ITagInfo
feature by calling the static PollingSnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(ITagInfo)
or PollingSnapshotTagValuePush.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(IAdapter)
methods, or by creating a subclass and overriding the ResolveTags
The SnapshotTagValueManager class implements both IReadSnapshotTagValues
and ISnapshotTagValuePush
. When a tag value change is written to it via the ValueReceived
method, it caches the value in memory, optionally persists it to an IKeyValueStore (if a suitable store was provided when creating the SnapshotTagValueManager
), and publishes the value to any subscribers for the tag:
public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {
private readonly SnapshotTagValueManager _snapshotManager;
public MyAdapter(
string id,
IOptions<MyAdapterOptions> options,
IBackgroundTaskService backgroundTaskService,
IKeyValueStore keyValueStore,
ILogger<MyAdapter> logger
) : base(id, options, backgroundTaskService, logger) {
// TODO: Implement the ITagInfo feature or delegate it to an external provider.
_snapshotManager = new SnapshotTagValueManager(
new SnapshotTagValueManagerOptions() {
TagResolver = SnapshotTagValueManager.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(this)
protected override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await _snapshotManager.InitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// TODO: Other initialisation code.
As with SnapshotTagValuePush
and PollingSnapshotTagValuePush
, an appropriate callback for the SnapshotTagValueManagerOptions.TagResolver
property can easily be created from the adapter's ITagInfo
feature by calling the static SnapshotTagValueManager.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(ITagInfo)
or SnapshotTagValueManager.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(IAdapter)
methods, or by creating a subclass and overriding the ResolveTags
must be initialised before it can be used, to allow it to load persisted tag values from the IKeyValueStore
. SnapshotTagValueManager
will lazily initialise itself the first time a method is invoked, but can be eagerly initialised by calling its InitAsync
method. This should be performed in the adapter's StartAsync
protected override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await _snapshotManager.InitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// TODO: Other initialisation code.
In order to be able to deliver value changes to subscribers, you must tell the SnapshotTagValueManager
when the snapshot value for a tag has changed by calling its ValueReceived
private async Task OnValueChangedAsync(TagValueQueryResult newSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await _snapshotManager.ValueReceived(newSnapshot, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Use SnapshotTagValueManager
when an external source writes data to the adapter that is then parsed and converted into tag values, or when the adapter itself generates new tag values at irregular intervals (for example, in response to external events occurring in the host application). You may also want to consider using a helper class to manage the adapter's tag definitions so that tag definitions can be dynamically created when required and discovered by consuming applications, as well as being persisted to the adapter's IKeyValueStore
service between restarts:
public class MyAdapter : AdapterBase<MyAdapterOptions> {
private static readonly AdapterProperty s_tagCreatedAtPropertyDefinition = new AdapterProperty("UTC Created At", DateTime.MinValue, "The UTC creation time for the tag");
private readonly ConfigurationChanges _configurationChanges;
private readonly TagManager _tagManager;
private readonly SnapshotTagValueManager _snapshotManager;
public MyAdapter(
string id,
IOptions<MyAdapterOptions> options,
IBackgroundTaskService backgroundTaskService,
IKeyValueStore keyValueStore,
ILogger<MyAdapter> logger
) : base(id, options, backgroundTaskService, logger) {
_configurationChanges = new ConfigurationChanges(new ConfigurationChangesOptions() {
Id = id
}, BackgroundTaskService, Logger);
_tagManager = new TagManager(
new[] { s_tagCreatedAtPropertyDefinition },
_snapshotManager = new SnapshotTagValueManager(
new SnapshotTagValueManagerOptions() {
TagResolver = SnapshotTagValueManager.CreateTagResolverFromAdapter(this)
protected override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await _snapshotManager.InitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// TODO: Other initialisation code.
public async Task ProcessReceivedJsonMessageAsync(JsonElement json, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
foreach (var dataValue in ParseJsonMessage(json)) {
var tag = await _tagManager.GetTagAsync(dataValue.TagId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (tag == null) {
tag = new TagDefinitionBuilder(dataValue.TagId, dataValue.TagName)
.WithProperty(s_tagCreatedAtPropertyDefinition.Name, DateTime.UtcNow)
await _tagManager.AddOrUpdateTagAsync(tag, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private IEnumerable<TagValueQueryResult> ParseJsonMessage(JsonElement json) {
// TODO: implement extraction of values from JSON message.