It is a Newspaper Project. In this project, I have created an application for a Newspaper, where the user can post articles for their reader. In this project, I have used the CRUD function so that we can use the facility of creating, retrieving, update and delete. This application has an articles page where journalists can post articles, set up permissions so only the author of an article can edit or delete it, and finally add the ability for admin to write comments on each article which will introduce the concept of foreign keys.This poject has user authentication and authorization plus user can change their password if want so.
Aim of this project is to create a simple but effective newspaper application so that the user of this application can publish reports easily. And the second most reason behind this project is that Django was initially designed for a Newspaper so, The choice of a newspaper app pays homage to Django’s roots as a web framework built for editors and journalists at the Lawrence Journal-World.
- Python - Django
- Html
- Css
- Bootstrap
- Custom user Model
- Permission and Authorization
- User Authentication
- Boostrap4
- Crispy form
- password change
- Comment
Book: Django for Beginners