A Music Player Project, in this project I have created a good-looking music player with the help of Tkinter in Python. I have used the Pygame library, which is used for the designing of computer graphics and sound libraries. Pygame is for Music control, I have to use the Pygame library because it gives the facility to control the music and all kinds of stuff. And used many other libraries for this project.
AIM: Aim of this project is to create a Music player of own and use them on the Desktop, even share it with friends and family to use it in their system.
For this I have used different libraries.
- OS
- Tkinter
- Messagebox from tkintre
- Fielddialog from tkinter
- MP3 from mutagem.mp3
- Threading
- Time
- TTk from tkinter
- Ttkthemes
- Pygame
os : imported os to minimize the size of text of the song name at statusbar...
Tkinter:tkinter is for GUI, we have to import 'tkinter' to work on graphics
Messagebox: this is use to show any kind of message
Filedialog: this is to browse and choose any file which we want to play...
Mutagen.mp3: This is for to control the flow of mp3 file...
Threading: This is to let the program look all over or don't get hang...
Time: this is to use time_length and current Time label...
Ttkthemes: This is for themes
Pygame: It is uses for desigining of computer graphics and sound libraries
- Python
- MySql