Based on Hutte Project Template
Check Creating a 2GP for AppExchange for learning more about generating your first 2GP
When using this template, please make sure to replace the namespace Hutte in all files inside the force-app directory (replace Hutte__ with YourNamespace__) as well as in sfdx-project.json (property "namespace").
The GitHub actions shipped with this package:
- create a package build when a pull request gets opened which follows semantic release convention
- create a package versions, promotes it and installs it to a target org when a PR following semantic release convention gets merged
This recipe uses semantic-release with semantic-release-sfdx to create package versions based on Conventional Commits.
Create the following two GitHub Action Secrets (Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > New repository secret
) to allow the GitHub action access to your Dev Hub (required to create package versions) and to a target org where you want to automatically install each new package version:
sf org display --verbose --json -o <MY_DEVHUB_ALIAS>
Copy the value of sfdxAuthUrl
to the clipboard.
Name | Secret |
<PASTE_THE_sfdxAuthUrl> |
sf org display --verbose --json -o <MY_TARGETORG_ALIAS>
Copy the value of sfdxAuthUrl
to the clipboard.
Name | Secret |
<PASTE_THE_sfdxAuthUrl> |