Codes used in the manuscript "Local temporal Rac1-GTP nadirs and peaks restrict cell protrusions and retractions".
Rac.m processes the window sampled Rac1 FRET biosensor and traction force data to get the Rac1-GTP and traction force dynamics around membrane prtrusion/retraction initiation/Vmax.
RhoA.m processes the window sampled RhoA FRET biosensor and traction force data to get the Rac1-GTP and traction force dynamics around membrane prtrusion/retraction initiation/Vmax.
SummaryPlot.m plots the results from Rac.m and RhoA.m.
PARac1Q61L.m processes and plots the optogenetic data from cells expressing PA-Rac1 (Q61L) constructs.
PARac1T17N.m processes and plots the optogenetic data from cells expressing PA-Rac1 (T17N) constructs.