in lib folder:
- Lesson 1
- MaterialApp and Scaffol widgets
- FloatingActionButton
- Material Design rules
- Container widget
- Alignment Class, Margin, padding parameteres
- Row and Column widgets
- MainAxis CrossAxis and Expanded widgets
- Lesson 2 and 3
- Asset, Network ve Circle Avatar ,
- FadeinImage and IntrinsicHeight ,
- FlutterLogo and PlaceHolder Widget
- Basic Buttons,
- Stateful Widget
- Stateless Widget
- BuildContext theme and stateful wdiget
- Lesson 4
- Card LiteTile
- Listview
- itemBuilder and SeperatorBuilder
- List item click events and import Fluttertoast Package
- AlertDialog and SingleChildScrollView
- Gridview
- BoxDecoration and DecorationImage
- GestureDetector
- CustomScrollView and SliverAppBar
- SliverList and create static elements
- SliverList and create dynamic element
- SliverFixedExtendList
- SliverGrid
- Lesson 5
- Navigator.push
- Navigator.pop
- Send data between activities
- WillPopScope
- PushReplacement and route usage
- initialRoute and onUnknownRoute
- onGenerateRoute