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osm country extractor

This repo has two main scripts : The Extract script is designed to trigger extraction requests for countries which will be later pushed to HDX platform. It utilizes Raw Data API for data extraction. For more complex queries navigate to osm-rawdata module

The streamlit Visualizer script is desinged to visualize the exports in tree structure for browsing, monitoring and downloading

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x
  • Access token for Raw Data API


Make sure you have python3 installed on your system

  • Clone the repository and cd
git clone
cd osm2hdx


Command Line

Head over to Env to verify you have setup correct env variables & Run the script from the command line with the following options:

  • For Specific Countries : extract
python --iso3 NPL
  • For fetching scheduled exports daily extract
python --fetch-scheduled-exports daily
  • For tracking request and Dumping result extract
python --iso3 NPL --track

You can set it up as systemd service or cronjob in your PC if required or run manually.

AWS Lambda

  1. Create an AWS Lambda Function:

    • In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Lambda service, Choose role and create one with necessary permissions
  2. Set Environment Variables:

    • Add the following environment variables to your Lambda function configuration:

      • CONFIG_JSON: Path to the config JSON file. Default is config.json.
      • Refer to Configurations for more env variables as required
  3. Deploy the Script as a Lambda Function:

    • Zip the contents of your project, excluding virtual environments and unnecessary files (Including config.json)
    • Upload the zip file to your Lambda function.
  4. Configure Lambda Trigger:

    • Configure an appropriate event source for your Lambda function. This could be an API Gateway, CloudWatch Event, or another trigger depending on your requirements.
  5. Invoke the Lambda Function:

    • Trigger the Lambda function manually or wait for the configured event source to invoke it.

    Your Lambda function should be able to execute the script with the provided configurations.


You can run streamlit app to use frontend

  1. Run Locally
pip install streamlit
streamlit run
  1. To Use hosted Service : Go to

  2. Use hosted service for visualization of datasets . Go to


Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables for proper configuration:

Example :

export RAWDATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN='my_token'
  • RAWDATA_API_AUTH_TOKEN: API token for Raw Data API authentication, Request admins for yours to RAW DATA API

  • RAW_DATA_API_BASE_URL: Base URL for the Raw Data API. Default is

  • CONFIG_JSON: Path to the config JSON file. Default is config.json.

Config JSON

The config.json file contains configuration settings for the extraction process. It includes details about the dataset, categories, and geometry of the extraction area.

    "geometry": {...},
    "dataset": {...},
    "categories": [...]



Defines iso3 for the hdx extraction. Only those which are preprovided from the database are supported. With iso3 you don't need to supply dataset_name, title and locations as it will populate them from database table. Use /cron/ GET api to fetch list.


Defines the geographical area for extraction. Typically auto-populated with Custom geometry. Only use if iso3 is not supplied , Enabling geometry will require input of dataset_name, tille , locations compulsarily


Specifies the Raw Data API queue, often set as "raw_special" for hdx country processing, This can be changed if there is disaster activation and special services are deployed so that those requests can be prioritized.


Set this to true for uploading datasets to hdx. if hdx_upload is false then it will produce datasets to s3 but won't push it to hdx.


Contains information about the dataset:

  • dataset_prefix: Prefix for the dataset extraction which will be reflected in hdx page eg : hotosm_npl.
  • dataset_folder: Default Mother folder to place during extraction eg : HDX , Mindful to change this.
  • dataset_title: Title of the country export eg : Nepal
  • dataset_locations: Locations of dataset according to hdx python api , Usually list of iso3 code of country.


Array of extraction categories, each represented by a dictionary with:

  • Category Name: Name of the extraction category (e.g., "Buildings", "Roads").
    • hdx: Contains tags and caveats for each catgory eg : tags : ['buildings'] and 'caveats': "Use it carefully , Not verifed'.
    • types: Types of geometries to extract (e.g., "polygons", "lines", "points").
    • select: Attributes to select during extraction (e.g., "name", "highway", "surface").
    • where: Conditions for filtering the data during extraction (e.g., filtering by tags).
    • formats: File formats for export (e.g., "geojson", "shp", "kml").

Adjust these settings based on your project requirements and the types of features you want to extract.

Refer to the sample config.json for default config.

Script Overview


The script is designed to trigger extraction requests for country exports using the Raw Data API. It automates the extraction process based on predefined configurations.


  • Supports both command line and AWS Lambda execution.
  • Dynamically fetches country details using raw data api while enabling custom extraction
  • Configurable extraction settings using a config.json file.
  • Helps debugging the service and track the api requests

Result Path

  • Your export download link will be generated based on the config , with raw-data-api logic it will be Base_download_url/dataset_folder/dataset_prefix/Category_name/feature_type/
  • Example for Waterways configuration : Here Category Name is Financial Services, dataset_prefix is hotosm_cuw, dataset_folder is HDX , feature_type is points and export format is kml and shp . This is being reflected as hotosm_cuw_financial_services dataset in HDX page. Each country / export can have multiple datasets divided in to multiple resources.
"a054b170-c403-4fcc-8e6d-6cd63b00a2b2": {
"datasets": [
    "Financial Services": {
        "hdx_upload": "SUCCESS",
        "name": "hotosm_cuw_financial_services",
        "hdx_url": "",
        "resources": [
            "name": "",
            "url": "https://demo_url/cron/CUW/financial_services/points/",
            "format": "shp",
            "description": "ESRI Shapefile",
            "size": 1749,
            "last_modifed": "2024-01-20T18:36:01.883360",
            "uploaded_to_hdx": true
            "name": "",
            "url": "https://demo_url/cron/CUW/financial_services/points/",
            "format": "kml",
            "description": "KML",
            "size": 946,
            "last_modifed": "2024-01-20T18:36:02.124807",
            "uploaded_to_hdx": true
"elapsed_time": "31 seconds",
"started_at": "2024-01-20T18:35:54.966949"

See sample result to go through how result will look like