GClub Challenge
- Clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:hermeto/gclub.git
- Install composer packages:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/gclub:/app composer:latest install
- Copy .env file:
cp gclub/.env.example gclub/.env
- Make Laravel key;
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/gclub:/app -it hermeto/gclub:php7-alpine php app/artisan key:generate
- Upload containers with docker-compose (this process may take up to 35 seconds after the images download):
docker-compose -f gclub/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Install database (after MySQL container started):
docker exec -it gclub-app php artisan migrate
- Generate fake data:
docker exec -it gclub-app php artisan db:seed
- Run unit tests:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/gclub:/app phpunit/phpunit:latest --testsuit=Unit
- Access your local environment:
- This app works with PHP (^7.0)
- Docker (^18.04.0-ce-rc1)
- docker-compose (^1.19.0)
├── AptTeam.php
├── Group.php
├── GroupResult.php
├── Http
│ ├── Controllers
│ │ ├── Common
│ │ │ └── CreateRound.php
│ │ ├── GeralController.php
│ │ ├── GroupController.php
│ │ ├── MatchController.php
│ │ ├── Playoff
│ │ │ ├── ClearAll.php
│ │ │ ├── CreateGame
│ │ │ │ ├── SaveAptTeam.php
│ │ │ │ └── SavePlayoffResult.php
│ │ │ ├── CreateGame.php
│ │ │ ├── GetTeam.php
│ │ │ └── ValidatePlayoff.php
│ │ ├── PlayoffController.php
│ │ ├── Process
│ │ │ ├── ClearAll.php
│ │ │ ├── CreateGame
│ │ │ │ ├── SaveGroupResult.php
│ │ │ │ └── SaveTeamScore.php
│ │ │ ├── CreateGame.php
│ │ │ ├── JoinTeamGroup.php
│ │ │ └── ValidateProcess.php
│ │ └── ProcessController.php
├── Playoff.php
├── TeamGroup.php
└── Team.php
├── migrations
│ ├── 2018_03_30_152602_create_table_team.php
│ ├── 2018_03_30_152747_create_table_group.php
│ ├── 2018_03_30_163727_create_table_team_group.php
│ ├── 2018_03_30_184838_create_table_group_result.php
│ ├── 2018_03_31_145455_create_table_playoff.php
│ └── 2018_04_01_005434_create_table_apt_team.php
└── seeds
├── DatabaseSeeder.php
├── GroupSeeder.php
└── TeamSeeder.php
├── group.js
└── playoff.js
├── geral.blade.php
├── group.blade.php
├── index.blade.php
├── main.blade.php
├── match.blade.php
└── playoff.blade.php
├── Common
│ └── CreateRoundTest.php
├── Playoff
│ ├── ClearAllTest.php
│ └── ValidatePlayoffTest.php
└── Process
├── ClearAllTest.php
├── JoinTeamGroupTest.php
└── ValidateProcessTest.php
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
Hermeto Romano - [email protected]