The beam-postgres
backend is the most feature complete SQL backend for beam.
The Postgres RDBMS supports most of the standards beam follows, so you can
usually expect most queries to simply work. Additionally, beam-postgres
part of the standard Beam distribution, and so upgrades are applied
periodically, and new functions are added to achieve feature-parity with the
latest Postgres stable
Postgres has several data types not available from beam-core
. The
library provides several types and functions to make working
with these easier.
The tsvector
and tsquery
types form the basis of full-text search
in Postgres. They correspond to the haskell types TsVector
, which are just newtype-wrappers over ByteString
!example chinook only:Postgres
pure (Pg.toTsVector (Just Pg.english) (as_ @String (val_ "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")))
Postgres allows you to explicitly lock rows retrieved during a select using the locking clause.
Beam supports most of the Postgres locking clause. However, there are some
invariants that are currently not checked at compile time. For example, Postgres
does not allow locking clauses with queries that use UNION
, or
or those with aggregates. Since all these queries have the same type
in Beam, we cannot catch these errors at compile-time. Current guidance is to
only use the locking clause in top-level queries that you know to be
The following example finds all customers living in Dublin, and requests a ROW SHARE
lock for each row. This prevents concurrent updates from updating these
rows until the current transaction is complete.
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingAllTablesFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthShare Nothing $
filter_ (\c -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress c)) ==. "Dublin") $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
Now, suppose we want to update these rows, so we'll want to lock them for an update.
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingAllTablesFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthUpdate Nothing $
filter_ (\c -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress c)) ==. "Dublin") $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
However, because there may be a lot of customers in Dublin that we'd like to
update, this may block for a long time. Perhaps, we'd only like to lock rows
that aren't already locked. This is inconsistent in general, but we do not
always care. Postgres offers the SKIP LOCKED
clause for this
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingAllTablesFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthUpdate (Just Pg.PgSelectLockingOptionsSkipLocked) $
filter_ (\c -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress c)) ==. "Dublin") $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
Or, if we do care, and don't want to wait anyway, we can ask Postgres to fail
early instead of blocking, using NO WAIT
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingAllTablesFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthUpdate (Just Pg.PgSelectLockingOptionsNoWait) $
filter_ (\c -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress c)) ==. "Dublin") $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
We can also specify the locking clauses when JOIN
ing. Suppose we want to get
all customers who live in London and have a support rep who lives in Paris,
and skipping rows that we can't lock.
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingAllTablesFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthShare (Just Pg.PgSelectLockingOptionsSkipLocked) $
do customer <- filter_ (\c -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress c)) ==. "London") $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
employee <- join_ (employee chinookDb)
(\e -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (employeeAddress e)) ==. "Paris" &&.
just_ (pk e) ==. customerSupportRep customer)
pure (customerFirstName customer, customerLastName customer, pk employee)
You may notice that this query will lock rows in both the customers and
employees table. This may not be what you want. You can also specify which
tables to lock by using the lockingFor_
function. This requires you to specify
which locks you want to hold by returning them from your query. For example, to
lock only the customers table
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthShare (Just Pg.PgSelectLockingOptionsSkipLocked) $
do (customerLock, customer) <- Pg.locked_ (customer chinookDb)
guard_ (fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress customer)) ==. "London")
employee <- filter_ (\e -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (employeeAddress e)) ==. "Paris" &&.
just_ (pk e) ==. customerSupportRep customer) $
all_ (employee chinookDb)
pure ((customerFirstName customer, customerLastName customer, pk employee) `Pg.withLocks_` customerLock)
In order to use the explicit locking clause, you need to use the locked_
function to get a reference to a lock for a particular table. This forces the
locked table to be part of the join, which is a requirement for the Postgres
locking clause. You can think of locked_
as exactly like all_
, except it
returns a table lock as the first return value.
!!! tip "Tip"
Locks can be combined monoidally, using mappend
or (<>)
. You can use this
to lock multiple tables, by passing the result of mappend
to withLocks_
If you return `mempty` as the first argument, then this recovers the standard
behavior of locking all tables.
is the most general locking combinator. You can recover the same
behavior as lockingAllTablesFor_
by using the lockAll_
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.lockingFor_ Pg.PgSelectLockingStrengthShare (Just Pg.PgSelectLockingOptionsSkipLocked) $
do (customerLock, customer) <- Pg.locked_ (customer chinookDb)
guard_ (fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (customerAddress customer)) ==. "London")
employee <- filter_ (\e -> fromMaybe_ "" (addressCity (employeeAddress e)) ==. "Paris" &&.
just_ (pk e) ==. customerSupportRep customer) $
all_ (employee chinookDb)
pure (Pg.lockAll_ (customerFirstName customer, customerLastName customer, pk employee))
!!! tip "Tip"
Table locks have the type PgLockedTables s
, where s
is the thread
parameter, as described
Postgres supports the DISTINCT ON
clause with selects to return distinct
results based on a particular key. The beam-postgres
package provides the
function to use this feature.
For example, to get an arbitrary customer from each distinct area code
!example chinook only:Postgres
Pg.pgNubBy_ (addressPostalCode . customerAddress) $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
The Postgres string_agg
aggregate combines all column values in a group
separated by a given separator. beam-postgres
provides pgStringAgg
to use the unquantified and quantified versions of the
aggregate appropriately.
For example, to put together a list of all cities in all the postal codes we have for customers,
!example chinook only:Postgres
aggregate_ (\c -> ( group_ (addressPostalCode (customerAddress c))
, Pg.pgStringAgg (coalesce_ [addressCity (customerAddress c)] "") ",") ) $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
The above will include one city multiple times if its shared by multiple customers.
!example chinook only:Postgres
aggregate_ (\c -> ( group_ (addressPostalCode (customerAddress c))
, Pg.pgStringAggOver distinctInGroup_ (coalesce_ [addressCity (customerAddress c)] "") ",") ) $
all_ (customer chinookDb)
Postgres supports targeting a particular constraint as the target of an ON CONFLICT
clause. You
can use conflictingConstraint
with the name of the constraint with the regular insertOnConflict
function to use this functionality.
For example, to update the row, only on conflicts relating to the "PK_CUSTOMER"
!example chinookdml only:Postgres
--! import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.BeamExtensions (BeamHasInsertOnConflict(..))
--! import qualified Database.Beam.Postgres as Pg
newCustomer = Customer 42 "John" "Doe" Nothing (Address (Just "Street") (Just "City") (Just "State") Nothing Nothing) Nothing Nothing "[email protected]" nothing_
runInsert $
insertOnConflict (customer chinookDb) (insertValues [newCustomer])
(Pg.conflictingConstraint "PK_Customer")
(onConflictUpdateSet (\fields _ -> fields <-. val_ newCustomer))
Often times, you do not want to update every field on a conflict. For
example, for upserts, you rarely want to update the primary key. The
function onConflictUpdateInstead
allows you to restrict which fields
are updated in the case of a conflict. The required function argument
is a projection of which fields ought to be updated.
In the example below, we insert a new row, but if a row with the given primary key already exists, we update only the first and last name.
!example chinookdml only:Postgres
-- import qualified Database.Beam.Postgres as Pg
newCustomer = Customer 42 "John" "Doe" Nothing (Address (Just "Street") (Just "City") (Just "State") Nothing Nothing) Nothing Nothing "[email protected]" nothing_
runInsert $
Pg.insert (customer chinookDb) (insertValues [newCustomer]) $
(Pg.conflictingFields primaryKey)
(\c -> ( customerFirstName c
, customerLastName c )))
You can also specify a more specific update, using the
function. This is the most general form of the
postgres ON CONFLICT
action. The excluded
table is provided as the
second argument. The syntax of the updates is similar to that of
In the following example, we append the old first name to the new first name and replace the old last name.
!example chinookdml only:Postgres
-- import qualified Database.Beam.Postgres as Pg
newCustomer = Customer 42 "John" "Doe" Nothing (Address (Just "Street") (Just "City") (Just "State") Nothing Nothing) Nothing Nothing "[email protected]" nothing_
runInsert $
Pg.insert (customer chinookDb) (insertValues [newCustomer]) $
(Pg.conflictingFields primaryKey)
-- tbl is the old row, tblExcluded is the row proposed for insertion
(\tbl tblExcluded -> mconcat
[ customerFirstName tbl <-. concat_ [ current_ (customerFirstName tbl), customerFirstName tblExcluded ]
, customerLastName tbl <-. customerLastName tblExcluded ]
Standard SQL only allows CTEs (WITH
expressions) at the top-level SELECT. However, PostgreSQL
allows them anywhere, including in subqueries for joins.
For example, the following is valid Postgres, but not valid standard SQL.
SELECT a.column1, b.column2
enforces this by forcing selectWith
to only return a SqlSelect
, which represents a
top-level SQL SELECT
statement that can be executed against a backend. However, if we want to
allow WITH
expressions to appear within joins, then we will need a function similar to
but returning a Q
value, which is a re-usable query. beam-postgres
provides this
function for PostgreSQL, named pgSelectWith
. For beam-postgres
, select (pgSelectWith x)
equivalent to selectWith x
. But, with the new type, we can reuse CTEs (including recursive ones)
within other queries.
As an example using our Chinook schema, suppose we had an error with all orders in the month of September 2024, and needed to send out employees to customer homes to correct the issue. We want to find, for each order, an employee who lives in the same city as the customer, but we only want the highest ranking employee for each customer.
First, we order the employees by org structure so that managers appear first, followed by direct reports. We use a recursive query for this, and then join it against the orders.
!example chinook only:Postgres
aggregate_ (\(cust, emp) -> (group_ cust, Pg.pgArrayAgg (employeeId emp)))
$ do inv <- filter_ (\i -> invoiceDate i >=. val_ (read "2024-09-01 00:00:00.000000") &&. invoiceDate i <=. val_ (read "2024-10-01 00:00:00.000000")) $ all_ (invoice chinookDb)
cust <- lookup_ (customer chinookDb) (invoiceCustomer inv)
-- Lookup all employees and their levels
(employee, _, _) <-
Pg.pgSelectWith $ do
let topLevelEmployees =
fmap (\e -> (e, val_ (via @Int32 0))) $
filter_ (\e -> isNull_ (employeeReportsTo e)) $ all_ (employee chinookDb)
rec employeeOrgChart <-
selecting (topLevelEmployees `unionAll_`
do { (manager, managerLevel) <- reuse employeeOrgChart
; report <- filter_ (\e -> employeeReportsTo e ==. manager) $ all_ (employee chinookDb)
; pure (report, managerLevel + val_ 1) })
pure $ filter_ (\(employee, level, minLevel) -> level ==. minLevel)
$ withWindow_ (\(employee, level) -> frame_ (partitionBy_ (addressCity (employeeAddress employee))) noOrder_ noBounds_)
(\(employee, level) cityFrame ->
(employee, level, coalesce_ [min_ level `over_` cityFrame] (val_ 0)))
(reuse employeeOrgChart)
-- Limit the search only to employees that live in the same city
guard_ (addressCity (employeeAddress employee) ==. addressCity (customerAddress cust))
pure (cust, employee)