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Given our database definition and database descriptor, we can query database entities and retrieve data. Before we discuss writing queries, we will take a look at some of the important query types.

Data types

The Q data type

Beam queries are built using the Q data type. Q's signature is as follows

data Q be db s a

In this definition

  • be is the particular Beam backend this Q monad is written for. Each beam backend defines a custom tag type. For example, beam-sqlite provides the Sqlite tag, and beam-postgres provides the Postgres tag. You can see what SQL backends are available in GHCi by asking for info on the BeamSqlBackend class.
Prelude Database.Beam Database.Beam.Sqlite Data.Text Database.SQLite.Simple Lens.Micro Data.Time Database.Beam.Backend.SQL T> :info BeamSqlBackend
ass (Database.Beam.Backend.Types.BeamBackend be,
     IsSql92Syntax (BeamSqlBackendSyntax be),
     Sql92SanityCheck (BeamSqlBackendSyntax be),
     HasSqlValueSyntax (BeamSqlBackendValueSyntax be) Bool,
     HasSqlValueSyntax (BeamSqlBackendValueSyntax be) SqlNull,
     Eq (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be)) =>
    BeamSqlBackend be
	-- Defined at /Users/travis/Projects/beam/beam-core/Database/Beam/Backend/SQL.hs:212:1
stance BeamSqlBackend Sqlite
-- Defined at /Users/travis/Projects/beam/beam-sqlite/Database/Beam/Sqlite/Connection.hs:157:10
stance (IsSql92Syntax syntax, Sql92SanityCheck syntax,
        HasSqlValueSyntax (Sql92ValueSyntax syntax) Bool,
        HasSqlValueSyntax (Sql92ValueSyntax syntax) SqlNull,
        Eq (Sql92ExpressionSyntax syntax)) =>
       BeamSqlBackend (MockSqlBackend syntax)
-- Defined at /Users/travis/Projects/beam/beam-core/Database/Beam/Backend/SQL.hs:238:10
  • db is the type of the database (as we defined above). This is used to ensure you only query database entities that are in scope in this database.

  • s is the scope parameter. For the most part, you'll write your queries so that they work over all s. Beam manipulates this parameter internally to ensure that the fields in your expressions are always in scope at run-time.

  • a is the type of the result of the query.

Q is a monad, which means you can use your favorite Monad, Applicative, and Functor functions. The Functor instance can be used to create projections as explained in the next section. The Monad and Applicative instances can be used to create JOINs.

The QGenExpr type

While Q represents the result of whole queries (entire SELECTs for example), QGenExpr represents the type of SQL expressions. QGenExpr also takes some type parameters:

data QGenExpr context be s a
  • context is the particular way in which this expression is being used. For example, expressions containing aggregates have context ~ QAggregateContext. Expressions returning scalar values have context ~ QValueContext.

  • be is the backend for which this expression is written. For example, expressions destined for execution in PostgreSQL, will substitute this for Postgres (from Database.Beam.Postgres in the beam-postgres package). You can also leave this polymorphic if you want your expression to be useable across multiple backends.

!!! note "Note" In previous versions of beam be indicated the 'syntax' rather than the backend. This was confusing because the syntax and backend types were not obviously related. Beam >= uses the backend type consistently to indicate where an expression is being used.

  • s is a scoping parameter, which will match the s in Q.

  • a is the type of this expression. For example, expressions returning SQL int values, will have Haskell type Int32. This ensures that your SQL query won't fail at run-time with a type error.

Beam defines some specializations of QGenExpr for common uses.

type QExpr = QGenExpr QValueContext
type QAgg = QGenExpr QAggregateContext
type QOrd = QGenExpr QOrderingContext
type QWindowExpr = QGenExpr QWindowingContext
type QWindowFrame = QGenExpr QWindowFrameContext
type QGroupExpr = QGenExpr QGroupingContext

Thus, value expressions can be given the simpler type of QExpr be s a. Expressions containing aggregates are typed as QAgg be s a.

A note on type inference

These types may seem incredibly complicated. Indeed, the safety that beam tries to provide requires these scary-looking types.

But alas, do not fear! Beam is also designed to assist type inference. For the most part, you will rarely need to annotate these types in your code. Occassionally you will need to provide a type for the result of an expression. For example, SELECTing just the literal 1 may cause an ambiguity, because the compiler won't know which Integral type to use. Beam provides an easy utility function as_ for this. With -XTypeApplications enabled,

as_ @Int32 (ambiguous expression)

ensures that ambiguous expression has the type QGenExpr ctxt be s Int32 with the ctxt, be, and s types appropriately inferred.

Simple queries

The easiest query is simply getting all the rows in a specific table. If you have a database object (something with type DatabaseSettings be db) with some table or view entities, you can use the all_ function to retrieve all rows in a specific table or view.

For example, to retrieve all PersonT entries in the exampleDb we defined in the last section, we can say

all_ (persons exampleDb) :: Q be ExampleDb s (PersonT (QExpr s))

!!! note "Note" We give the full type of the query here for illustrative purposes only. There is no need to do so in your own code

Two things to note. Firstly, here PersonT is parameterized over the QExpr s higher-kinded type. This means that each field in PersonT now contains a SQL expression instead of a Haskell value. This is the magic that our parameterized types allow.


personFirstName (all_ (persons exampleDb)) :: QExpr be s Text


personFirstName (Person "John" "Smith" 23 "[email protected]" "8888888888" :: Person) :: Text

Secondly, the field type has the same scope variable as the entire query. This means, it can only be used in the scope of this query. You will never be able to inspect the type of s from outside Q.

Once we have a query in terms of Q, we can use the select function from Database.Beam.Query to turn it into a select statement that can be run against the backend. select takes an expression of type Q, and converts it into a SQL statement, ready to be executed against the database.

The output of the query passed to select must follow some conventions, so that beam knows how to serialize, deserialize, and project the appropriate values from the query. In particular, the return type of your query must be either

  • a plain expression (i.e., type QExpr),
  • a Beamable type (i.e., a table or primary key, defined as above), or
  • any combination of tuples of the above (Beam supports up to 8-tuples by default). Higher-order tuples can be formed by nested tuples. For example, for 16 return values, you can return a 2-tuple of 8-tuples or an 8-tuple of 2-tuples or a 4-tuple of 4-tuples, etc.

With this in mind, we can use select to get a query statement against our database. The return type of all_ is just the table we ask for. In this case, we're interested in the persons table. The persons table has the Beamable type PersonT. As expected, the SqlSelect will return us concrete Person values (recall that Person is equivalent to PersonT Identity).

select (all_ (persons exampleDb)) :: HasQBuilder be => SqlSelect be Person

Normally, you'd ship this select statement off to a backend to run, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we can also ask beam to dump what the standard SQL expression this query encodes.

dumpSqlSelect (all_ (persons exampleDb))
SELECT `t0`.`email` AS "res0", `t0`.`first_name` AS "res1", `t0`.`last_name` AS "res2", `t0`.`password` AS "res3" FROM "cart_users" AS "t0"

Internally, dumpSqlSelect uses a beam-core provided syntax to generate standard ANSI SQL expressions. Note that these expressions should not be shipped to a backend directly, as they may not be escaped properly. Still, it is useful to see what would run.

!!! tip "Tip" all_ only works for TableEntitys. Use allFromView_ for ViewEntitys.

A note on composability

All beam queries are composable. This means that you can freely mix values of type Q in whichever way typechecks and expect a reasonable SQL query. This differs from the behavior of SQL, where the syntax for composing queries depends on the structure of that query.

For example, suppose you wanted to fetch all rows of a table, filter them by a condition, limit the amount of rows returned and then join these rows with another table. In SQL, you'd have to write explicit subselects, take care of handling projections, etc. This is because this query doesn't fit into the 'standard' SQL query structure.

However, in beam, you can simply write this query. Beam will take care of generating explicit subselects and handling projections. Scoping rules enforced by the Haskell type system ensure that the query is constructed correctly.

For example, we can write the following (meaningless) query, and things will work as expected.


!example chinook
do tbl1 <-
     limit_ 10 $
     filter_ (\customer -> ((customerFirstName customer `like_` "Jo%") &&. (customerLastName customer `like_` "S%")) &&.
                           (addressState (customerAddress customer) ==. just_ "CA" ||. addressState (customerAddress customer) ==. just_ "WA")) $
             all_ (customer chinookDb)
   tbl2 <- all_ (track chinookDb)
   pure (tbl1, tbl2)

This allows you to easily factor out queries. This means you can build a query library in your application and then freely mix and match these queries as necessary. This allows you to offload as much processing to the database as possible, rather than shipping data to your application pre-processing.


!example chinook
-- 'complicatedQuery' could be declared and imported from an external module here. The generated query is the same regardless
let complicatedQuery =
       filter_ (\customer -> ((customerFirstName customer `like_` "Jo%") &&. (customerLastName customer `like_` "S%")) &&.
                             (addressState (customerAddress customer) ==. just_ "CA" ||. addressState (customerAddress customer) ==. just_ "WA")) $
               all_ (customer chinookDb)
in do tbl1 <- limit_ 10 $ complicatedQuery
      tbl2 <- all_ (track chinookDb)
      pure (tbl1, tbl2)