- Live Site URL: https://harshita1225.github.io/speed-boat-interface/
start the boat engine
- has 50% chance to fail
stop the boat engine
- also resets gear to 0
- does not change the boat speed
change engine gear up
- only works if boat is started
- max gear 5
change engine gear down
- only works if boat is started
- min gear -2
increase boat speed
- only works if boat is started
- if gear is 0, has no effect
- changes boat speed so that is further away from 0
- gear 5 increases speed faster than gear 1
- gear -2 increases speed faster than gear -1
decrease boat speed
- only works if boat is started
- if gear is 0, has no effect
- changes boat speed so that is closer to 0
Show the current speed of the boat to the user
Show also buttons for the different actions
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- React
- useState, useReducer
- Javascript
- Website - Harshita Joshi-Github