Puppet configs. Because we care.
Tested on Fedora19 x86_64.
This is a masterless Puppet repository.
This collection allows you to quickly and simply spin up a virtual or bare metal host for development as well as production use.
rpm -ivh http://yum.puppetlabs.com/fedora/f19/products/i386/puppetlabs-release-19-2.noarch.rpm
yum -q -y install git puppet
git clone https://github.com/xyntrix/grover.git /opt/grover
time sh /opt/grover/go-grover.sh
- General packages: vim, screen, git, puppet, jwhois
- Denyhosts: Block brute force sources
- Apache 2.4, mod_passenger (Ruby), mod_wsgi (Python)
- Ruby 2.0, Sinatra Gem
- Collectd, Collectd-Web, Apache Plugin, Puppet Reports Plugin
- Graphite (carbon-cache, carbon-relay, graphite-web)
- Sensu (master and client), +ability to add a sensu-check/sensu-subscriber within any puppet class
- Firewall, +ability to add firewall rules within any puppet class
- Puppet utility classes: Puppi (example42), Stdlib (puppetlabs)
Notice: Finished catalog run in 253.50 seconds
real 4m18.036s user 3m17.684s sys 0m13.328s
- Redis
- RabbitMQ :: server, vhost, creds