This bundle enable you to create infinite number of redirection without using code.
- User bookmark a page of your site that does't exist anymore so he will have a beautiful 404 page.
- A link sent into an old mailing campaign and you want to redirect it instead of using controller redirection you can just configure your redirection.
"require" : {
// ...
"hafrit/permanent-redirection-bundle": "dev-master",
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new hafrit\PermanentRedirectionBundle\hafritPermanentRedirectionBundle(),
# app/config/config.yml
// ...
- { resource: '@hafritPermanentRedirectionBundle/Resources/config/services.yml' }
# app/config/config.yml
enable: boolean
- { source: "source_route_name", target: "target_route_name", status: "redirection_status", referenceType: integer, keepParameters: boolean }
- { source: "source_route_name", target: "target_route_name", status: "301" }
enable: true/false ~ # Required
- {
source: ~ # Required # route name to redirect,
target: ~ # Required # target route name,
status: ~ # Required # redirection status (301, 302, ...) @see Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response.php isRedirect function
referenceType: ~ # Optional Default 1 # @see Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface.php,
keepParameters: ~ # Optional Default false # redirect to target route with the same source route parameters
enable: true
- { source: "hello_world", target: "acme_hello_world", status: "301" }
# "hello_world" => http://localhost/hello-world will be redirected to http://localhost/acme-hello-world with redirection code 301
- { source: "hello_with_parameters", target: "acme_hello_with_parameters", status: "302", keepParameters: true }
# "hello_world" => http://localhost/hello/firstName/lastName will be redirected with the same first and last name to http://localhost/acme-hello/firstName/lastName with redirection code 302