FAQs for Udacity / Facebook Deep Learning Nanodegree Channel
For what we have seen, the FAQ in Phase 1, created by @Ish, was working very useful and handy. In Phase 2, there are not even Slack community channels, but Udacity's learning space and noumerous study groups as well. Just as before, these channels are constantly buzzing with great questions and amazing answers. Due to all limitations of Slack and the Forums, it might just be a better idea to collect all these Questions and Answers in one, great set of FAQ, orginized by the same structure as lessons and challanges are.
All contributions are more than welcome! Please do not hesitate to make a pull request if you feel it can add any value to the repo, every bit of effort matters. In case of any questions, feel free to DM me. On slack it is @ChrisHackl
Thank you!
1. Introduction to Deep Learning
2. Neural Networks
3. Convolutional Neural Networks
4. Recurrent Neural Networks
5. Generative Adversarial Networks
6. Deploying a Model
Extra 1: Additional Lessons
Extra 2: TensorFlow, Keras Frameworks