The goal of pkgslides
is to make it easier for you to learn about R
packages by converting existing documentation into an easily digested
You can install the development version of pkgslides from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example which will build and render a Quarto
RevealJS presentation
for pkgslides
#> Config written to './_pkgslides.yml'
#> ℹ Loading pkgslides
#> /Users/guslipkin/Documents/GitHub/pkgslides/pkgslides.qmd
#> [31m
#> processing file: pkgslides.qmd
#> [39m | | | 0% | |....................... | 33%
#> ordinary text without R code
#> | |............................................... | 67%
#> label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ echo: logi FALSE
#> | |......................................................................| 100%
#> ordinary text without R code
#> [31moutput file:
#> [39m[1mpandoc [22m
#> to: revealjs
#> output-file: pkgslides.html
#> standalone: true
#> self-contained: true
#> wrap: none
#> default-image-extension: png
#> html-math-method:
#> method: mathjax
#> url: >-
#> slide-level: 2
#> [1mmetadata[22m
#> link-citations: true
#> width: 1050
#> height: 700
#> margin: 0.1
#> center: false
#> navigationMode: default
#> controlsLayout: edges
#> controlsTutorial: false
#> hash: true
#> history: true
#> hashOneBasedIndex: false
#> fragmentInURL: false
#> transition: none
#> backgroundTransition: none
#> pdfSeparateFragments: false
#> lang: en
#> auto-stretch: true
#> title: pkgslides
#> subtitle: 0.1.0
#> theme: default
#> scrollable: true
#> Output created: pkgslides.html