Deploying an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server with Private Endpoint using Terraform
- Resource Group
- VNET and Subnet
- Private DNS
- Private DNS Zone Virtual Network Link for PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL Flexible Server
- PostgreSQL Private Endpoint
- PostgreSQL Database
- PostgreSQL Extensions
List of variables used in this code to configure the PostgreSQL Flexible Server:
Variable | Description | Type |
location |
The region in which this module should be deployed | string |
company |
This variable defines the company name used to build resources | string |
app_name |
This variable defines the application name used to build resources | string |
environment |
This variable defines the environment to be built | string |
tags |
The collection of tags to be applied to all resources | map(string) |
vnet_address_space |
CIDR of the VNET | string |
pe_subnet_address_space |
CIDR of the Subnet used for Private Endpoint | string |
private_dns_resource_group |
The Resource Group where the Private DNS for PostgreSQL was created | string |
postgres_user |
The username for PostgreSQL administrator login | string |
postgres_password |
The password for PostgreSQL administrator login | string |
postgres_server_sku |
PostgreSQL server type | string |
postgres_server_version |
PostgreSQL server version (Possible values are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16) | string |
postgres_server_storage_mb |
PostgreSQL server storage in MB (Possible values are 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4193280, 4194304, 8388608, 16777216 and 33553408) | number |
postgres_server_storage_tier |
PostgreSQL server storage tier (Possible values are P4, P6, P10, P15,P20, P30,P40, P50,P60, P70 or P80) | string |
postgres_admin_access_cidr |
PostgreSQL admin access CIDR | string |
postgres_database_collation |
Specifies the Collation for the Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database | string |
postgres_database_charset |
Specifies the charset for the Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database | string |
A private DNS zone is required; if you need one, use the code below:
# Create the Resource Group for DNS Zone
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "dns_zone" {
name = "kopicloud-dns-rg"
location = var.location
# Create Private DNS Zone for PostgreSQL
resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "postgres_dns_zone" {
name = ""
resource_group_name =
- Clone the repo
- Update variables to your environment
- Execute "terraform init"
- Execute "terraform apply"