A simple client to pull videos from my unifi protect cameras so I can keep records of animals who come to visit overnight.
Owes a large debt to a couple projects:
- pyunifiprotect by @AngellusMortis
- unifi-protect-backup by @ep1cman
In fact, I could have just used unifi-protect-backup for this purpose, but I wanted to write my own thing because I haven't done any asynchronous python before and this is a great chance to dig into that. But if you are looking for a way to back up your unifi protect video you should use unifi-protect-backup.
This initial commit is just a rudimentary script that I used to try out different approaches to handle this with asyncio. It would be much cleaner as a couple of classes. I also need to containerize it and run it as a serivce and all that good stuff, but this is in decent shape for a first commit.