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Grant Carthew edited this page Oct 1, 2016 · 7 revisions

Property Details

Usage: Read Only

Get: String

  • Returns the UUID used as the primary key for the job in the queue database table.


const Queue = require('rethinkdb-job-queue')
const q = new Queue()
let job = q.createJob()

q.addJob(job).then(() => {
  return q.getJob(
}).then((savedJob) => {
  // === savedJob[0].id
}).catch(err => console.error(err))


As with most databases, RethinkDB using a primary key value to store and index documents. The property returns this primary key.

Below is an example of a job in the queue database table. Note the on the fifth property.

{ dateCreated: 2016-08-17T03:44:30.634Z,
  dateFinished: 2016-08-17T03:44:42.123Z,
  dateEnable: 2016-08-17T03:44:48.086Z,
  dateStarted: 2016-08-17T03:44:41.086Z,
  id: '0e4a717c-84b1-43f3-98dd-2e670ebc28f9',
  [ { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:30.634Z,
      message: 'Job added to the queue',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 0,
      status: 'waiting',
      type: 'information' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:30.672Z,
      message: 'Job retrieved and active',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 0,
      status: 'active',
      type: 'information' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:31.728Z,
      duration: 1056,
      message: 'Job timed out (run time > 1 sec)',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 1,
      status: 'failed',
      type: 'warning' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:31.746Z,
      message: 'Job retrieved and active',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 1,
      status: 'active',
      type: 'information' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:32.765Z,
      duration: 1018,
      message: 'Job timed out (run time > 1 sec)',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      type: 'warning' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:35.883Z,
      message: 'Job retrieved and active',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 2,
      status: 'active',
      type: 'information' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:36.904Z,
      duration: 1021,
      message: 'Job timed out (run time > 1 sec)',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 3,
      status: 'failed',
      type: 'warning' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:41.086Z,
      message: 'Job retrieved and active',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 3,
      status: 'active',
      type: 'information' },
    { date: 2016-08-17T03:44:42.123Z,
      duration: 1037,
      message: 'Job timed out (run time > 1 sec)',
      queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
      retryCount: 3,
      status: 'terminated',
      type: 'error' } ],
  data: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog',
  priority: 'normal',
  progress: 0,
  queueId: 'WebDev:rjqJobQueueTests:rjqJobQueueTestJobs:7615:baad3b28-80c9-48ba-a800-73a2ae3a89a2',
  retryCount: 3,
  retryDelay: 2,
  retryMax: 3,
  status: 'terminated',
  timeout: 1 }


How It Works



Queue Methods

Queue Properties

Queue Events

Job Methods

Job Properties


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