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Job Retry

Grant Carthew edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 24 revisions

When creating job objects you can configure the timeout, retryMax, and retryDelay options. These options will determine what will happen if a job fails either by a Node.js process not responding or the job process failing. See the Job Options document for more detail.

Every job has a property called dateEnable which is used to determine if the job is ready for processing. The dateEnable value is set when the job is created and when it is retrieved from the database for processing. The retrieval query will not return jobs where the dateEnable value is greater than the current date time value.

Currently the formula used to set the dateEnable value during the job retrieval process is:

now() + job.timeout + ( job.retryDelay * job.retryCount )

The plan in the future is to move this to an exponential formula once RethinkDB has a power function.

As you can see, to disable the retry process and make jobs retry as soon as possible, simply set the retryDelay to zero.

Note: In the below step through I am stating that the queue review process is re-activating the jobs after failure. This may not be the case with an active queue. If the Queue object is constantly working on jobs then the jobs will be activated as soon as the time is right.

If we take the job default properties and the Queue Master default 'masterInterval' value, which is 310000 milliseconds, then the following sequence of events will occur:

  1. The job has never been processed and has default properties. It has been added to the queue.

    • status = 'waiting'
    • timeout = 300000
    • retryCount = 0
    • retryMax = 3
    • retryDelay = 600000
    • dateEnable = dateCreated
  2. The job is retrieved from the database setting the dateEnable value.

-   `status = 'active'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 0`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + timeout`
  1. The job fails for some reason.
-   `status = 'failed'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 1`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + (retryDelay * retryCount)`
  1. The job remains inactive within the database until after dateEnable or approximately 600000 milliseconds.

  2. The Queue Master database review is initiated and the job is retrieved from the database for the first retry.

-   `status = 'active'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 1`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + timeout + (retryDelay * retryCount)`
  1. The job fails again for some reason.
-   `status = 'failed'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 2`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + (retryDelay * retryCount)
  1. The job remains inactive within the database until after dateEnable or approximately 1200000 milliseconds.

  2. The Queue Master database review is initiated and the job is retrieved from the database for the second retry.

-   `status = 'active'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 2`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + timeout + (retryDelay * retryCount)`
  1. The job fails again. What is wrong with this job?
-   `status = 'failed'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 3`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now() + (retryDelay * retryCount)`
  1. The job remains inactive within the database until after dateEnable or approximately 1800000 milliseconds.

  2. The Queue Master database review is initiated and the job is retrieved from the database for the third and final retry.

-   `status = 'active'`
-   `timeout = 300000`
-   `retryCount = 3`
-   `retryMax = 3`
-   `retryDelay = 600000`
-   `dateEnable = now + timeout + (retryDelay * retryCount)` _this is redundant however still set_
  1. The job fails for the last time.
-   `status = 'terminated'`
  1. Because the job status is set to terminated it will no longer be retrieved from the database.

Job Progress

As a final note, please review the Job.setProgress document. This document explains how your job handling function can report progress updates. These progress updates will extend the job timeout counter and update the dateEnable property. This will prevent the job from failing due to extended job processing time.


How It Works



Queue Methods

Queue Properties

Queue Events

Job Methods

Job Properties


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