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bova82 edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 7 revisions


This Remember the Milk API Kit has been developed for use in Android projects, using Android core libraries. It can be used also in Java code, importing the missing libraries.

Latest issue: 1.3.12 Version Previous version are not working and have been removed.


If you have a question, a suggestion, an issue, if you are interested in contributing to the project or simply you want to tell that you are using this tool, please join the discussions in Google Groups

Getting Started

You can refer to Javadoc, but here follows a brief how-to.


Import the JAR in your project. Then import the library with:

import it.bova.rtmapi;

How to use in Android Download package and simply import it in your android project.

How to use in Java

You need to import JSON and HTTP apache libraries. The needed JAR libraries are contained in lib folder.

If you want the most updated libraries see official JSON and Apache websites.


RtmApiAuthenticator authenticator = new RtmApiAuthenticator("myAppApiKey1234","myAppSharedSecret5678");
String frob = authenticator.authGetFrob();
String validationUrl = authenticator.authGetDesktopUrl(Permission.DELETE,frob);

use the url to give the permission to the application, then come back here

Token authToken = authenticator.authGetToken(frob);

Use the API

Token object can be passed as argument

RtmApi api = new RtmApi("myAppApiKey1234","myAppSharedSecret5678", tokenObject);

or token String

RtmApi api = new RtmApi("myAppApiKey1234","myAppSharedSecret5678", tokenString);
List<Task> tasks = api.tasksGetList();
List<TaskList> lists = api.listsGetList();

A lot of methods are available in two types: one taking RtmObject argument

TaskList listZero = lists.get(0);
listZero = api.listsSetName(listZero,”new name”);

and the other one with ID argument String listId = listZero.getId(); listZero = api.listsSetName(listId,”new name”);


Transactions can be managed through RtmApiTransactable class. This class contains all the standard API methods, including transaction info where available and implementing the method transactionsUndo(String timeline, Transaction<?> transaction)

RtmApiTransactable api = new RtmApiTransactable("myAppApiKey1234","myAppSharedSecret5678", TokenString);
String timeline = api.timelinesCreate();

Not undoable transaction

Transaction<TaskList> listTransaction = api.listsAdd(timeline, "New List To Be Cancelled");
TaskList list = listTransaction.getObject();
Boolean isUndone = api.transactionsUndo(timeline, listTransaction ); //returns false (adding operation is not undoable)

Undoable transaction

Transaction<TaskList> listTransaction2 = transApi.listsDelete(timeline, list1);
isUndone = api.transactionsUndo(timeline, listTransaction2 ); //return true