A re-usable package which can be used in any project that requires a generic Events
This will include the basic formatting and functionality such as model creation via the admin.
To install with the package manager, run:
$ poetry add giant-events
You should then add "events", "easy_thumbnails" and "filer"
in base.py
This application exposes the following settings:
is the field list for the admin index. This must be a listEVENT_ADMIN_FIELDSETS
allows the user to define the admin fieldset. This must be a list of two-tuplesEVENT_ADMIN_READONLY_FIELDS
allows the user to configure readonly fields in the admin. This must be a listEVENT_ADMIN_SEARCH_FIELDS
allows the user to configure search fields in the admin. This must be a listEVENT_ADMIN_FILTER_FIELDS
allows the user to configure filter fields in the admin. This must be a listPAGINATE_EVENTS_BY
allows user to determine how many events to paginate by on the index page. Applies to time directed queryset. This must be an intDEFAULT_TIME_DIRECTION
chose from one of the following options - PAST, FUTURE & ANYTIME
By default the app will use the templates that are defined inside the app directory itself. However if you wish to override which template is used you will need to create a directory in the projects template directory The structure should look something like this:
Add the following to core.urls
for general functionality:
path("events/", include("events.urls"), name="events"),
If you want to customize the urls to include a different path and/or templates, first you must import from events import views as event_views
in core.urls
and then you could add the following:
path("events/", event_views.EventIndex.as_view(template_name="event/index.html"), name="event-index"),
path("events/<slug:slug>/", event_views.EventDetail.as_view(template_name="event/detail.html"), name="event-detail"),
In order to prep the package for a new release on TestPyPi and PyPi there is one key thing that you need to do. You need to update the version number in the pyproject.toml
This is so that the package can be published without running into version number conflicts. The version numbering must also follow the Semantic Version rules which can be found here https://semver.org/.
Publishing a package with poetry is incredibly easy. Once you have checked that the version number has been updated (not the same as a previous version) then you only need to run two commands.
$ `poetry build`
will package the project up for you into a way that can be published.
$ `poetry publish`
will publish the package to PyPi. You will need to enter the username and password for the account which can be found in the company password manager