This class allows a Color to be created in any format (RGB, hex, decimal, HSL, HSV, CSS, etc), while allowing any component to be manipulated.
- new Color();
- new Color('#FF9900');
- new Color(;
- new Color('pink');
- new Color(123456);
- new Color({ red : 255, green : 100, blue : 0 });
- new Color(colorInstance);
For example, you can create a color in RGB format, but then modify the lightness, or brightness, or saturation - it need not be converted between formats (although format output is also available).
Component methods include:
- .red()
- .green()
- .blue()
- .hue()
- .saturation()
- .lightness()
- .brightness()
- .hex()
- .decimal()
Component methods signatures are similar to jquery mutators - invoked without arguments, the method functions as a getter, and returns the current value; invoked with an argument, they function as setters, and update that value on the calling instance.
// usage... var color = new Color('#FF9900'); color.brightness(20); = color; console.log(color.getRGB()); console.log(color.saturation());
The component is equipped to handle the vagaries of the DOM, and should be able to parse any CSS color output automatically.
A number of other convenience methods exist, such as .interpolate, which smoothly blends one color to another, and .bind that links a Color instance with an object (e.g., a DOM element's style property, like background-color or (text) color), so that when the Color instance is mutated, the bound object property will also be updated.