Create an Angular application using this demo as a bootstrap.
To get you started you can simply clone the angular-seed repository and install the dependencies:
You need git to clone the angular-seed repository. You can get git from
We also use a number of node.js tools to initialize and test angular-seed. You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from
- Install Node.js
- on OSX use homebrew
brew install node
- on Windows use chocolatey
choco install nodejs
Install these NPM packages globally
npm install -g bower gulp nodemon
Refer to these instructions on how to not require sudo
Clone the demo project repository using [git][git]:
git clone
cd angularjs-start-smart
We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.
- We get the tools we depend upon via
, the [node package manager][npm]. - We get the angular code via
, a [client-side code package manager][bower].
We have preconfigured npm
to automatically run bower
so we can simply do:
npm install
Behind the scenes this will also call bower install
. You should find that you have two new
folders in your project.
- contains the npm packages for the tools we needbower_components
- contains the angular framework files
We have preconfigured the demo project with a simple development web server. The simplest way to start this server is:
gulp serve-dev
Now browse to the app at http://localhost:9000
- Run code analysis using
gulp vet
. This runs jshint, jscs, and plato.
- Run the unit tests using
gulp autotest
(via karma, mocha, sinon). - Run the e2e tests using
gulp e2e
(via protractor).
- Run the project with
gulp serve-dev
- opens it in a browser and updates the browser with any files changes.
- Build the optimized project using
gulp build
- This create the optimized code for the project and puts it in the build folder
- Run the optimize project from the build folder with
gulp serve-build
AngularJs Start Smart project
The structure also contains a gulpfile.js and a server folder. The server is there just so we can serve the app using node.
When you generate the project it should run these commands, but if you notice missing packages, run these again:
npm install
bower install
The app has 4 feature modules and depends on a series of external modules and custom modules
app --> [
app.products --> [],
app.layout --> [
app.core --> [
Core modules are ones that are shared throughout the entire application and may be customized for the specific application. Example might be common data services.
This is an aggregator of modules that the application will need. The core
module takes the blocks, common, and Angular sub-modules as dependencies.
Block modules are reusable blocks of code that can be used across projects simply by including them as dependencies.
The blocks.logger
module handles logging across the Angular app.
The blocks.exception
module handles exceptions across the Angular app.
It depends on the blocks.logger
module, because the implementation logs the exceptions.
The blocks.router
module contains a routing helper module that assists in adding routes to the $routeProvider.
gulp help
Displays all of the available gulp tasks.
gulp vet
Performs static code analysis on all javascript files. Runs jshint and jscs.
gulp vet --verbose
Displays all files affected and extended information about the code analysis.
gulp plato
Performs code analysis using plato on all javascript files. Plato generates a report in the reports folder.
gulp test
Runs all unit tests using karma runner, mocha, chai and sinon with phantomjs. Depends on vet task, for code analysis.
gulp autotest
Runs a watch to run all unit tests.
gulp e2e
Runs the end 2 end tests
gulp serve-dev
Serves the development code and launches it in a browser. The goal of building for development is to do it as fast as possible, to keep development moving efficiently. This task serves all code from the source folders and compiles less to css in a temp folder.
gulp html
Optimize all javascript and styles, move to a build folder, and inject them into the new index.html
gulp build
Copies all fonts, copies images and runs
gulp html
to build the production code to the build folder.
gulp serve-build
Serve the optimized code from the build folder and launch it in a browser.
gulp serve-build --nosync
Serve the optimized code from the build folder and manually launch the browser.