- The goal for this project is to provide a backend for sending out e-mails (with an attachment) using Amazon SES, running on AWS Lambda + Node.JS
- This code only supports 50 recipients, a recipient is any to/cc/bcc address.
- If you do not need attachments checkout this version instead - lambda sendemail ses
Input event data
- to / cc / bcc - You must use atleast one of these
- subject - The subject line
- html - The html version of the email body
- text - The text version of the email body
- from - Your verified sender address
- attachments - supports multiple in mailcomposer format
"to": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"bcc": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"cc": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"subject": "λ SES Node Test λλλ",
"html": "<br><h1>Hello world!!!!!</h1> - from lambda",
"text": "Hello world!!!!! - from lambda",
"attachments": [
"filename": "test.jpg",
"path": "http://www.example.com/sample.jpg"
- Save the code to your computer, and extract it to a new folder
- Initialize the node directory - install mailcomposer - npm install mailcomposer
- Compress the index.js and node_modules folder into a zip file.
- Create a new lambda function using Node.js runtime, upload the zip file as the source code, and create a new IAM access role with the following policy
- Amazon AWS SDK for JavaScrtipt in Node.js
- mailcomposer - https://github.com/nodemailer/mailcomposer