This repo is for all modules of the Certificate Program in Future Wireless Communications (FWC) by Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH).
- Install F-Droid.
- Open f-droid on your mobile and install the following apps:
- Termux
- Termux:API
Give termux access to your user directory in Android.
Upgrade packages (any one command)
pkg upg
apt update && apt upgrade
Install mandatory packages (any one command)
apt install build-essential openssh curl git wget subversion silversearcher-ag imagemagick proot proot-distro python bsdtar mutt nmap neovim
pkg in build-essential openssh curl git wget subversion silversearcher-ag imagemagick proot proot-distro python bsdtar mutt nmap neovim
Install debian
proot-distro install debian
proot-distro login debian
Inside proot-distro
apt update && apt upgrade
apt install apt-utils build-essential cmake neovim git wget subversion imagemagick nano ranger python3-venv
Installing python3
apt install python3-pip python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-mpmath python3-sympy python3-cvxopt
Installing neovim and ranger
apt install neovim ranger libxtst-dev libx11-dev python3-pynvim
Installing LaTeX
apt install texlive-full gnumeric
svn co
texfot pdflatex main.tex
python3 codes/
The book is present here.
To obtain the sources:
git clone
The codes used in these videos and relevant references for each video are present at goats-9/fwc-codes. These have been adapted from gadepall/digital-design.
#The book is present here.
To obtain the sources:
git clone
NOTE: Skip this if you are using a bluetooth keyboard
Follow instructions in Section 1 of the manual.
On termux on your phone, enter a simple password
This command will give you your username
Find your ip address
Start ssh server on your mobile
On your laptop, enter the following at a terminal
ssh username@ipaddress -p 8022
Enter the password and you are connected to termux through your laptop.
Refer to Genymobile/scrcpy#get-the-app for instructions.
Installation instructions are present at this link.
To access USB over WSL, refer to this link.