Entropie (und etwas mehr) eines idealen (nicht perfekten!) H+He-Gases wie in D'Angelo & Bodenheimer (2013) ausrechnen || Compute the entropy (and a bit more) of an ideal (but not perfect!) H+He gas as in D'Angelo & Bodenheimer (2013)
(c) Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Uni Tübingen, with parts taken from from Andrew Cumming / David Berardo
- v.1.0, 31.10.2019: Initial commit
- v.1.1, 03.03.2023: Making a python package for easy import
Total specific entropy (per unit mass) s of the mixture, in units of k_B/baryon:
- stot_proMasse_rhoT(Y, rho, T) : the main entropy function, but...
- stot_proMasse_rhoT_bystro(Y, rho, T) : ... this is the same but should be fast (быстро) because repetitions are avoided
The same functions exist with ..._PT() to give (P,T) as arguments (simple wrappers)
More functions:
- deladDAB13_rhoT(Y, rho, T) : adiabatic gradient (dlnT/dlnP)_{const s}
- muDAB13(Y, rho, T) : mean molecular weight, dimensionless
- Dichte_PT(Y, P, T) : get rho from P and T; taken from David Berardo from and (very) adapted
- rho: density, always in g/cm^3
- T: temperature, always in K
- Y: helium mass fraction, always dimensionless
Ortho:Para ratio is not treated explicitly: Only the limit T >> T_rot ~ 85 K is currently implemented
No metals. If there should be metals, adding them to helium offers an approximate treatment
Written and tested in Python 2 only
For most of the relevant rho--T plane, delad from here and from D'Angelo & Bodenheimer (2013; hereafter DAB13), using their functions as implemented in Pluto (Vaidya et al. 2015), agree to better than 5%. However, there are some ~20% differences.
At the lowest pressure of Saumon, Chabrier & van Horn (1995), the gas should be ideal yet there are small piecewise-constant offsets in the entropy. This could be due to a mistake on my part (despite checking and despite the relative simplicity of the equations) or to non-ideal (interaction, not degeneracy) effects being important in SCvH. Their approach is very different from the simple non-perfect ideal gas.
Some documentation needs to be done... The entropy formula is an "original derivation"; I have not seen it elsewhere but have also not searched, and is relatively easy to derive.
There are some plots in Abb/ showing the goodness of the match of this implementation to DAB13. Why it is not perfect, is not clear.
There are also some comparison to SCvH (see comments above).
All comments, questions, suggestions for improvements, etc. are welcome! Please write to me at with gabriel.marleau in front.