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A sample AWS data stack in Pulumi for receiving and storing Formsort answer data

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An AWS environment pre-configured to receive data from Formsort, managed using Pulumi.



  • This stack has no authentication for data retrieval. The URLs that it creates are random but publicly accessible. You will need to add authentication if you want to use data retrieval in production.
  • While AWS can be configured to be HIPAA compliant, running this stack does not give you any compliance certification out-of-the-box.
  • The Formsort team is happy to help answer general questions about architecture, and make improvements, but if you need us to run this stack for you, please contact sales.

Architecture overview

The stack creates two S3 buckets -- one for the definitions of the forms you deploy (flow contents), and another as a repository for the raw answers that your responders provide. A DynamoDB table is also created as a secondary way of storing answers.

An API gateway is created with three routes:

  1. The /variant-revision-deployed route receives a POST request containing flow content when a flow is deployed. This request triggers a lambda invocation that saves the flow content to S3. The flow content of a deployed variant revision is immutable and can be used to reconstruct answers submissions.
  2. The /answers-ingest endpoint receives a POST request whenever a responder provides data within a deployed flow. It invokes a lambda that saves the content of the answers to both S3 and Dynamo DB
  3. The /answers-retrieval endpoint allows for retrieving answers by responder UUID, which is passed as a URL parameter (?responderUuid=) HTML can be specified by adding &format=html as a URL search parameter.
          Formsort studio                AWS
         ┌──────────────────────┐       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
         │                      │       │                                                                 │
         │  ┌────────────────┐  │       │                                                                 │
  You────┼─►│Deploy a flow   ├──┼───────┼─►/api/variant-revision-deployed                                 │
         │  │                │  │       │                 │                                               │
         │  └────────────────┘  │       │                 │                                               │
         │                      │       │                 ▼                                               │
         └──────────────────────┘       │           ┌───────────────┐                  ┌───────────────┐  │
                                        │           │Lambda         ├─────────────────►│S3             │  │
                                        │           └───────────────┘                  │Flow content   │  │
          Formsort flow runner          │                                              └──────────────┬┘  │
         ┌─────────────────────────┐    │                                                             │   │
         │                         │    │                                                             │   │
Your     │  ┌───────────────────┐  │    │                                                             │   │
users────┼─►│Fill out flows     ├──┼────┼─►/api/answers-ingest                    ┌────────────┐      │   │
         │  └───────────────────┘  │    │                 │         ┌────────────►│S3          │      │   │
         │                         │    │                 ▼         │             │Answers     │      │   │
         └─────────────────────────┘    │          ┌───────────────┬┘             └────────────┘      │   │
                                        │          │Lambda         │                                  │   │
                                        │          └───────────────┴┐                   ┌───────────┐ │   │
                                        |                           └──────────────────►│DynamoDB   │ │   │
                                        │                                               │Answers    │ │   │
  You───────────────────────────────────┼─►/api/answers-retrieval?responderUuid=...     └────────┬──┘ │   │
                                        │                                                        │    │   │
                                        │                                                        │    │   │
                                        │          ┌───────────────┐◄────────────────────────────┘    │   │
  Answers      ◄────────────────────────┼──────────┤Lambda         │                                  │   │
                                        │          └───────────────┘◄─────────────────────────────────┘   │
                                        │                                                                 │

Getting started

Launching the stack

  1. Create a Pulumi account and access token, and install the Pulumi CLI.
  2. Create an AWS account. Within it, create an IAM user with permissions to create resources. If you're just getting started, give the user the AdministratorAccess policy so that you are not blocked on permissions issues.
  3. Generate an access key for that user.
  4. Update your /.aws/credentials to include the access key and secret in a profile, or set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment.
  5. Set your desired AWS region pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
  6. If you want to pull out HTML pages or PDFs, get your Formsort API key and set it using pulumi config set --secret formsortAPIKey {YOUR_API_KEY}.
  7. If you want to verify webhook payloads are coming from formsort, get your webhook signing key and set it in the pulumi project using pulumi config set --secret formsortWebhookSigningKey {YOUR_SIGNING_KEY}. Note that this is not the same key as the general API key.
  8. Deploy the stack using AWS_PROFILE=your_profile_name pulumi up

Configuring Formsort

When the stack is launched, it will export a few variables. It will look something like this:

    answersRetrievalURL: ""
    answersWebhookURL  : ""
    deploymentEventURL : ""
  1. First, create a webhook integration for your flow, and use the answersWebhookUrl as the URL.
  2. Second, add an event subscription for the variant_revision_published event and use JSON as the format and the URL from deploymentEventURL as the URL.
  3. Make sure you deploy the flow in question
  4. You can now retrieve data from the flow by the responder UUID by accessing the URL from answersRetrievalUrl with ?responderUuid=.... at the end of the URL.

Ideas for customization

Here are some ways you might consider modifying this stack for your own purposes.

  • Add authentication by adding access control to the API gateway in the stack, such as authorizing via Cognito or restricting access to the API to a VPC within your account (making it a private API).
  • Create an endpoint to retrieve answers by email address.
    • You might do this by creating a secondary index in the DynamoDB table, and populate that with the email address you extract from the answers in the webhook payload.
  • Save PDFs for any finalized answer sets to another S3 bucket.
    • It's a good idea to do post-processsing asynchronously, rather than in the initial request handler. You could enqueue S3 events to an SQS (Simple Queue Service) queue and have a lambda do any such processing.
  • Store answers in RDS (A relational database like SQL), rather than in unstructured documents in S3 and Dynamo.
    • If you want well-structured relational tables, the deployment events contain the JSONSchema of the flow being deployed. You could use this to generate a new table per variant revision, with columns for each of the answers, for easier querying.
  • Use SES (Simple Email Service) to send emails to your team when a specific flow is deployed, or to your responders when they complete a form.

Coming soon

  • Add a correctly-configured file upload bucket
  • Put flowContent type definition in the docs for admin API
  • Improved HTML view -- See if it's easy to have a build step to run a sveltekit app
  • PDF view (that renders the HTML view)
  • Caching of the PDF view in S3


A sample AWS data stack in Pulumi for receiving and storing Formsort answer data






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