IMPORTANT! The newer version of this tool is available here. The newer version is faster and provides additional features, such as number of shared bases test statistic, masking and context-aware modelling.
conda install mamba
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n mcdp python=3.9 scipy pytest pytest-rerunfailures argh numpy matplotlib yaml pandas pybigwig xlrd
conda activate mcdp
cd resources/examples_github
conda activate mcdp
usage: [-h] [-l LOG] ref_intervals query_intervals chr_sizes
MCDP: compute p-value of number of overlaps of two interval sets.
Both reference and query interval files should be tab-separated files with three columns:
1. Chromosome name (same as in `chr_sizes` file)
2. Begin of an interval (0-based, closed)
3. End of an interval (0-based, open)
Intervals should be non-overlapping and disjoint (i.e. there should be a positive gap between them).
If there is no gap (or intervals are overlapping), the program will merge those intervals.
Chromosome sizes list should be tab-separated with two columns:
1. Chromosome name
2. Length of a chromosome
Files can contain empty lines.
positional arguments:
ref_intervals List of reference intervals
query_intervals List of query intervals
chr_sizes List of chromosome sizes
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOG, --log LOG Log file (default: -)
Please cite this tool as follows:
Askar Gafurov, Broňa Brejová, Paul Medvedev, Markov chains improve the significance computation of overlapping genome annotations, Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue Supplement_1, July 2022, Pages i203–i211,