Look up (Tranditional) Chinese vocabulary with MOE dict (Ministry Of Education of Taiwan) in Emacs.
在 Emacs 內查詢萌典。
- Emacs >= 24.3
- SQLite
The following packages are available on MELPA
以下 packages 可於 MELPA 上安裝。
- helm >= 1.9.1
- esqlite >= 0.3.1
Add following to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el
or ~/.emacs
增加下列設定到你的 Emacs 設定檔中。
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/moedict/")
(require 'moedict)
M-x moedict
Open the interface to look up vocabulary in moedict.M-x moedict/try-region
The same asmoedict
, but try to use selected region as the initial input.M-x moedict/last-vocabulary
The same asmoedict
, but use the last query as the initial input.
A superb readable ”How to use” is available via M-x moedict/help
M-x moedict
直接開啟萌典查詢界面。M-x moedict/try-region
,但會嘗試搜尋被選取的文字。M-x moedict/last-vocabulary
其餘如何使用請直接 M-x moedict/help
The copyright the dictionary file (dict.sqlite3
) is owned by Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Emacs Lisp code is released under WTFPL 2.0.
辭典本文的著作權屬台灣教育部所有,Emacs Lisp 程式碼部份則是以 WTFPL 2.0 釋出。