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io: add backward compat. tests
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ksagiyam committed Jan 31, 2024
1 parent e370c45 commit 5285efd
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278 changes: 278 additions & 0 deletions tests/output/
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import pytest
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, exists
from firedrake import *
from firedrake.mesh import make_mesh_from_coordinates
from firedrake.utils import IntType

test_version = "2024_01_27"

|Package |Branch |Revision |Modified |
|COFFEE |master |70c1e66 |False |
|FInAT |master |e2805c4 |False |
|PyOP2 |master |e0a4d3a9 |False |
|fiat |master |e7b2909 |False |
|firedrake |master |393f82f85 |False |
|h5py |firedrake |4c01efa9 |False |
|libspatialindex |master |4768bf3 |True |
|libsupermesh |master |84becef |False |
|loopy |main |8158afdb |False |
|petsc |firedrake |09f36907a6e|False |
|pyadjoint |master |2c6614d |False |
|pytest-mpi |main |a478bc8 |False |
|slepc |firedrake |a3f39c853 |False |
|tsfc |master |799191d |False |
|ufl |master |054b0617 |False |

cwd = abspath(dirname(__file__))
filedir = join(cwd, "test_io_backward_compat_files")
basename = "test_io_backward_compat"
mesh_name = "m"
func_name = "f"

def _initialise_function(f, _f):
f.project(_f, solver_parameters={"ksp_type": "cg", "pc_type": "jacobi", "ksp_rtol": 1.e-16})

def _compute_random_layers(base):
V = VectorFunctionSpace(base, "DG", 0, dim=2)
f = Function(V)
dim = base.topology_dm.getCoordinateDim()
if dim == 1:
x, = SpatialCoordinate(base)
y = x * x
elif dim == 2:
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(base)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not for dim = {dim}")
f.interpolate(as_vector([2 + sin(x) + sin(y),
7 + sin(5 * x)]))
return f.dat.data_with_halos.astype(IntType)

def _get_mesh_and_V(params):
cell_type, periodic, extruded, extruded_periodic, extruded_real, immersed, mixed = params
if mixed:
mesh = Mesh("./docs/notebooks/stokes-control.msh", name=mesh_name)
if cell_type == "triangle":
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 1)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
V = BDM * DG
raise NotImplementedError
elif immersed:
if cell_type == "triangle":
mesh = UnitIcosahedralSphereMesh(refinement_level=1, name=mesh_name)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDMF", 4)
elif cell_type == "quadrilateral":
mesh = UnitCubedSphereMesh(refinement_level=4, name=mesh_name)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "RTCF", 4)
raise NotImplementedError
elif extruded and extruded_periodic:
if cell_type == "interval":
m = 5 # num. element in radial direction
n = 31 # num. element in circumferential direction
base = IntervalMesh(m, 1.0, 2.0, name=mesh_name + "_base")
mesh = ExtrudedMesh(base, layers=n, layer_height=2 * pi / n, extrusion_type="uniform", periodic=True, name=mesh_name)
elem = mesh.coordinates.ufl_element()
coordV = FunctionSpace(mesh, elem)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
coord = Function(coordV).interpolate(as_vector([x * cos(y), x * sin(y)]))
mesh = make_mesh_from_coordinates(coord.topological, name=mesh_name)
mesh._base_mesh = base
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "RTCF", 3)
raise NotImplementedError
elif extruded and extruded_real:
if cell_type == "triangle":
base = Mesh("./docs/notebooks/stokes-control.msh", name=mesh_name + "_base")
layers = 3
mesh = ExtrudedMesh(base, layers=layers, layer_height=1.0, name=mesh_name)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 4, vfamily="Real", vdegree=0, dim=3)
raise NotImplementedError
elif extruded:
# Test variable layers; see also issue #2169.
if cell_type == "triangle":
base = Mesh("./docs/notebooks/stokes-control.msh", name=mesh_name + "_base")
layers = _compute_random_layers(base)
mesh = ExtrudedMesh(base, layers=layers, layer_height=1.0, name=mesh_name)
helem = FiniteElement("DP", cell_type, 4)
velem = FiniteElement("DP", "interval", 3)
elem = TensorProductElement(helem, velem)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, elem)
raise NotImplementedError
elif periodic:
if cell_type == "triangle":
mesh = PeriodicUnitSquareMesh(20, 20, name=mesh_name)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 4)
elif cell_type == "tetrahedron":
mesh = PeriodicUnitCubeMesh(10, 10, 10, name=mesh_name)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 4)
raise NotImplementedError
elif cell_type == "triangle":
mesh = Mesh("./docs/notebooks/stokes-control.msh", name=mesh_name)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 3)
elif cell_type == "tetrahedron":
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(16, 16, 16, name=mesh_name)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N2F", 3)
elif cell_type == "quadrilateral":
mesh = Mesh(join(cwd, "..", "meshes", "unitsquare_unstructured_quadrilaterals.msh"),
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "RTCF", 3)
elif cell_type == "hexahedron":
# cube_hex contains all 8 possible facet orientations.
mesh = Mesh(join(cwd, "..", "meshes", "cube_hex.msh"),
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Q", 4)
raise NotImplementedError
return mesh, V

def _get_expr(V):
mesh = V.mesh()
dim = mesh.geometric_dimension()
shape = V.ufl_element().value_shape
if dim == 2:
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
z = x + y
elif dim == 3:
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
if shape == ():
# For PeriodicUnitSquareMesh and PeriodicUnitCubeMesh
return (x - .5) ** 2 + (y - .5) ** 2
elif shape == (2, ):
return as_vector([2 + x * z, 3 + y * z])
elif shape == (3, ):
return as_vector([x, y, (x + y) * z * z])
raise ValueError(f"Invalid shape {shape}")

# cell_type, periodic, extruded, extruded_periodic, extruded_real, immersed, mixed
test_io_backward_compat_base_params = [
("triangle", False, False, False, False, False, False),
("tetrahedron", False, False, False, False, False, False),
("quadrilateral", False, False, False, False, False, False),
("hexahedron", False, False, False, False, False, False),
("triangle", False, True, False, False, False, False), # extruded (variable layer)
("triangle", True, False, False, False, False, False), # periodic
("tetrahedron", True, False, False, False, False, False), # periodic
("interval", False, True, True, False, False, False), # extruded_periodic
("triangle", False, True, False, True, False, False), # extruded_real (vector)
("triangle", False, False, False, False, True, False), # immersed
("quadrilateral", False, False, False, False, True, False), # immersed
("triangle", False, False, False, False, False, True), # mixed

def _make_name(params):
cell_type, periodic, extruded, extruded_periodic, extruded_real, immersed, mixed = params
name = cell_type
if periodic:
name = "_".join([name, "periodic"])
if extruded:
if extruded_periodic:
name = "_".join([name, "extruded_periodic"])
elif extruded_real:
name = "_".join([name, "extruded_real"])
name = "_".join([name, "extruded"])
if immersed:
name = "_".join([name, "immersed"])
if mixed:
name = "_".join([name, "mixed"])
return name

@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', [test_version])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('params', test_io_backward_compat_base_params)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Only run these tests to create test files.")
def test_io_backward_compat_base_save(version, params):
filename = join(filedir, "_".join([basename, version, _make_name(params) + ".h5"]))
if exists(filename):
raise RuntimeError(f"path {filename} already exists.")
mesh, V = _get_mesh_and_V(params)
f = Function(V, name=func_name)
_initialise_function(f, _get_expr(V))
with CheckpointFile(filename, "w") as afile:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', ["2024_01_27"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('params', test_io_backward_compat_base_params)
def test_io_backward_compat_base_load(version, params):
filename = join(filedir, "_".join([basename, version, _make_name(params) + ".h5"]))
with CheckpointFile(filename, "r") as afile:
mesh = afile.load_mesh(mesh_name)
f = afile.load_function(mesh, func_name)
V_ = f.function_space()
f_ = Function(V_)
_initialise_function(f_, _get_expr(V_))
assert assemble(inner(f - f_, f - f_) * dx) < 5.e-13

def _get_expr_timestepping(V, i):
mesh = V.mesh()
element = V.ufl_element()
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
shape = element.value_shape
if shape == (4, ):
return as_vector([x + i, y + i, x * y + i, i * i])
raise NotImplementedError

@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', [test_version])
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Only run these tests to create test files.")
def test_io_backward_compat_timestepping_save(version):
filename = join(filedir, "_".join([basename, version, "timestepping" + ".h5"]))
if exists(filename):
raise RuntimeError(f"path {filename} already exists.")
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(8, 8, name=mesh_name)
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 1)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
R = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Real", 0)
V = BDM * DG * R
f = Function(V, name=func_name)
with CheckpointFile(filename, 'w') as afile:
for i in range(5):
_initialise_function(f, _get_expr_timestepping(V, i))
afile.save_function(f, idx=i)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', ["2024_01_27"])
def test_io_backward_compat_timestepping_load(version):
filename = join(filedir, "_".join([basename, version, "timestepping" + ".h5"]))
with CheckpointFile(filename, "r") as afile:
mesh = afile.load_mesh(mesh_name)
for i in range(5):
f = afile.load_function(mesh, func_name, idx=i)
V_ = f.function_space()
f_ = Function(V_)
_initialise_function(f_, _get_expr_timestepping(V_, i))
assert assemble(inner(f - f_, f - f_) * dx) < 1.e-16
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