This package is no longer actively maintained. The next version of Laravel 5 should propably contain all basic stuff you need to start a admin panel.
#Firadmin Laravel 4 package used to create a beautiful admin panel with default user managment. This package is currently under active development, following Laravel 4.
- Resourceful User management with roles permissions
- Base controller use for admin panel development
- ACL component for privilege management
- Complete UI admin panel using Twitter Bootstrap 2.3
- Complete login component with password reset and reminder
- Easily configurable
For laravel 4.0 use firadmin version 1.0.* and for laravel 4.1 use firadmin version 1.1.* and above.
Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json
file to require firalabs/firadmin
"require": {
"firalabs/firadmin": "dev-master"
Update your packages with composer update
or install with composer install
Once this operation completes, you need to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php
, and add a new item to the providers array.
- Screenshots
- Configurations
- Binding models
- Migrations
- Create default user
- Register dashboard controller
- Facades
- Permissions
- Ajax request
- Admin controller development
- Custom models repositories
To configure the package to meet your needs, you must publish the configuration in your application before you can modify them. Run this artisan command.
php artisan config:publish firalabs/firadmin
The configuration files could now be found in app/config/packages/firalabs/firadmin
. Read the description for each configurations to know what you can override.
##Binding models
You need to bind a user and a user role model to your application. By default, the package already provide those. Add this few lines in app/start/global.php
| Application IoC Container binding
App::bind('Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository\UserRepositoryInterface', 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository\Eloquent\UserRepository'); //User model
App::bind('Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository\UserRoleRepositoryInterface', 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository\Eloquent\UserRoleRepository'); //User role model
After that, you must set the same user repository has a model in app/config/auth.php
'model' => 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository\Eloquent\UserRepository'
If you use the default models provided in the package, you must run this migration commands.
php artisan auth:reminders
php artisan migrate
php artisan migrate --package="firalabs/firadmin"
##Create default user
You need to have at least one register user in your database. We provided a easy way to create a user using artisan command. Use --role=""administrator""
when setting up a user for the first time.
php artisan create:user [--role[="..."]] username email password
You can also change the role names Firadmin checks on app/config/packages/firalabs/firadmin/config.php
'roles' => array(
* Grant all privileges to the administrator roles.
'administrator' => true,
* Granted basics CRUD privileges to the user administrator role on the user resource.
'user_administrator' => array('user' => array('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'))
##Register dashboard controller
You must set a route to the dashboard admin panel in app/routes.php
. We provide a default dashboard controller for testing purpose.
| Register admin controllers
Route::group(array ('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin' ), function ()
Route::get('/', 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Controllers\DashboardController@getIndex');
We have two available facades:
- Permissions
- AjaxRequest
You can add this facade to your app/config/app.php
'aliases' => array(
'AjaxRequest' => 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Facades\AjaxRequest',
'Permissions' => 'Firalabs\Firadmin\Facades\Permissions'
To handle privileges on the current logged user, simply use this code in your controller action method..
//Check permission
if(Permissions::isAllowed(Auth::user(), 'user', 'read') !== true){
return Redirect::route('login')
->with('reason', Lang::get('firadmin::admin.messages.insufficient-permission') . '<br>')
->with('error', 1);
##Ajax Request Documentation coming soon ...
##Admin controller development
When you want to create a new admin controller, simply extend the BaseController provide in the package. Is a example of a dashboard controller create in the folder app/controllers/Admin/DashboardController.php
use Firalabs\Firadmin\Controllers\BaseController;
* Default dashboard controller
class Admin_DashboardController extends BaseController {
* The current active menu URI
* @var string
public $active_menu = 'admin';
* Get the dashboard
public function getIndex()
//Set layout content
$this->layout->content = View::make('firadmin::dashboard');
##Custom models repositories
You can directly extend those in the packages or simply implement the interfaces provided in Firalabs\Firadmin\Repository
##Enjoy !!
You admin panel is now configured. Just go to http://localhost/admin to access the admin panel.
Feel free to contact me !!!