Personal website & blog of Fershad Irani.
This website is built with 11ty. After cloning the repository and running npm install
, you can:
- Run
npm run start
to serve the site locally. - Run
npm run build
to build the website
Below are links to some parts of this website that people might find interesting.
This site uses the @greenweb/grid-aware-websites
library inside of a Cloudflare Worker. The code checks the local energy grid of a user, and if it is using < 50% renewable energy the Worker makes changes to the site before returning it to the browser.
The Worker setup can be found in the /workers/grid-aware folder, with the main code in the /workers/grid-aware/src/index.js file.
Modified page responses are cached in Cloudflare Workers KV for 24 hours.
Social media open graph images are generated for each page on-demand, and cached in a Cloudflare Workers KV store for 1 year. The code to do this can be found in the /browser-worker folder, and closely follows the tutorial in the Cloudflare Docs.