Miscellaneous scripts and programs for viewing, creating and modifying files for the online game Eternal Lands, and the French version Landes Eternelles.
This perl script uses several perl modules to read an Eternal Lands game map file, write a scene definition file, convert and downsize needed texture images with ImageMagick, and render a final tab map image using POV-Ray.
Based on elm2pov.pl, this script uses povray to generate a black and white PNG image mask of all points intersected by a chosen set of map meshes.
A program to find rectangular covers for regions in plane specified by an image mask.
Transforms a list of bounding rectangles into sections of an Eternal Lands server-side map def file.
Copies rectangular regions from one map to another.
Removes or just finds all invalid lights in an map file.
A small and fast program to display map file headers.
Creates an overlay image of fancy map symbols from a list of notes.
Creates a black and white image mask of walkable map tiles.
Simple GUI program to manage the creation and placement of map notes.
Command line utility for finding paths between different ship destinations on continent maps, and drawing them as a fancy transparent overlay.
Simple script for manipulating map mesh (3d object) IDs.