A good to very good solution requires additional efforts especially w.r.t. to elegance and readability of your code. If your code is neither commented nor well structured, your solution is not good! A very good solution requires additional efforts towards the quality of your project presentation in the colloquium. Your presentation should be well timed, consistent, and convincing. Striving for very good solutions should always be your goal!
- diagrams, plots, pictures - as beautiful as possible
- outline
- style - totally customer-oriented
- Mari chooses color theme (as guys do not care about such a silly stuff)
- user GUI mandatory, as cool as possible
- give user possibility to push some buttons - let user enter at runtime
- the widest understanding of the task requirements
- check all the crazy ideas
draw.io plot.ly
Send all your solutions (code, resulting images, slides) in a ZIP archive
to [email protected]
Simple strategies for turn-based games.
May 23, 2016 at 12:00
Game trees and path planning.
June 20, 2016 at 12:00.
Behavior programming.
July 18, 2016 at 12:00